My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4430 4430 Inexplicable sadness

There is no way, as long as they try Fatty Bai and Gu Fenghua's cooking skills, no matter who they are, they will eventually end up being a foodie.

This guy has been making trouble for a long time, and this guy is trying to flatter Feng Hua so that he can eat barbecue early. As for it, it’s not like I won’t give it to you. A few bites of it will make you look pretty to death? After taking the roast chicken and rabbit from Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others looked at Liu Sanjue, who was enjoying the meal, with disdain in their eyes.

"Flatterer!" A cold voice suddenly came from behind, expressing the common sentiment of Luo Enen and others.

"Who is it?" Luo Enen's face turned cold and he pressed the hilt of his sword fiercely.

Gu Fenghua and others looked calm. They had traveled all the way these days and passed through many sects' spheres of influence, but they were all in peace and did not cause any trouble. After many times, everyone can guess that as long as they are stepped on by others, most of the sects in the Lingji Realm do not want to cause more trouble, and the Yunchuan Sect will not be an exception.

It was precisely for this reason that they relaxed their vigilance and did not notice that there were others hiding in the forest behind them. However, they have no hostility towards the Yunchuan Sect. Since the man took the initiative to speak out, he must not have any ill intentions and there is no need to be too alarmed.

Noticing that everyone else was calm and composed, Luo Enen was a little embarrassed, but he was too embarrassed to let go immediately. He could only continue to hold the sword, pretending to be cautious, and stared at the man. A forest.

A figure slowly walked out. After seeing clearly, Luo Enen finally let go of the sword.

This was a thin young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a rather handsome appearance, but his face looked particularly pale under the firelight. The holy robe on his body had long been washed white, and there were many patches on it. It was stained with dirt and grass stems, and there were two big holes in his knees. He looked extremely embarrassed. However, his expression was indifferent and his brows were knitted together, as if he was worried, but he looked a bit stubborn.

"Are you a disciple of the Yunchuan Sect?" Gu Fenghua looked at him carefully and asked.

Looking at the boy's white holy robe and the crooked patches on the holy robe, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt inexplicably sad.

Judging from the emblem embroidered on the corner of the holy robe, this young man should be a disciple of the sect. Since he appears here, he is most likely a disciple of the Yunchuan sect. Although the resources in the Lingji Realm are insufficient, the Yunchuan Sect is still a middle-grade sect, so how can its disciples dress like this? There is no doubt that he is only an outer disciple of the Yunchuan Sect, not even an outer disciple. He is just a handyman disciple, and he is probably the kind who is bullied.

Because of his grandfather's teachings, Gu Fenghua always felt pity for such poor people.

"Yes." The young man nodded to confirm his identity, looked at them again, and said, "You are here to become a disciple, right? My sect master has been in a bad mood recently, so you'd better not go, otherwise he will be kicked out if you offend him. Not only will Shanmen be embarrassed, he will also suffer some hardships if he is unlucky."

Apprenticeship? Gu Fenghua and others were a little confused. With their cultivation of the sixth and seventh grades of the Emperor Saint, there are really not many people in this world who are qualified to be their masters. I don’t know how this young man could tell that they came to Yunchuan Sect to become their masters?

But when they looked at each other, they soon realized. The road was dusty and dusty. Although they could not be said to be unkempt and dirty, they could not see the slightest trace of the strong and expert demeanor. Besides, except for Liu Sanjue, the others had been quenched by the Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Spring, and their faces were already showy. Tender. The other party guessed that they were here to become apprentices, which was completely reasonable.

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