My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4447 4447 Had a chance encounter

"Do you recognize Lin Feng?" Hearing the exclamations of Gu Fenghua and others, Senior Brother Chen was even more surprised than them.

"He looks about fifteen or sixteen years old, very thin, with a lot of patches on his clothes, and his face is a bit pale. He is indifferent to everyone, like an angry child bride. Isn't that him?" Luo? Enn said.

Listening to her description of Lu Linfeng's appearance and clothing, Senior Brother Chen nodded secretly. When he heard the last sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

"Lin Feng's face is not very good, and his temper is a bit withdrawn, but he is not a bad person. How do you know him?" Senior Brother Chen asked curiously, confirming Lu Linfeng's identity.

"On the way here, I met him when he was returning from collecting herbs. We chatted for a few words, and we had a chance encounter. However, I never thought that he was actually Han Yu's descendant." Liu Sanjue said with emotion. Thinking of Lu Linfeng's shabby holy robe covered with patches and his eyebrows that seemed to never be able to stretch, I felt sad again.

"How many times have I told him not to let him collect herbs by himself, but he just doesn't listen. Alas..." Senior Brother Chen sighed.

"Senior Brother Chen, Lu Linfeng is also the grandson of the sect leader, how could he be like that?" Luo Enen couldn't help but ask.

"It's a long story. Let me take you to meet him first." Although she asked vaguely, Senior Brother Chen certainly knew what she meant, and his expression became even more gloomy.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, it was obvious that the matter was a bit complicated, so Gu Fenghua and others did not ask further questions and followed him towards the house behind the main hall.

Liu Sanjue told them that due to the lack of spiritual energy in the world of Lingji Realm, all major sects would set up spirit gathering formations to absorb all the spiritual energy within their sphere of influence and gather it within the sect. This was indeed the case. As soon as he entered the mountain gate of Yunchuan Sect, Gu Fenghua felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was obviously much richer. As he gradually went deeper into the hinterland of Yunchuan Sect along the ancient stone stairs, the spiritual energy became more and more abundant and solid.

The quaint houses are shrouded in the aura of heaven and earth, and the blue bricks and green tiles make it even more peaceful. However, if you feel it carefully, you will find that these houses are also arranged according to formations, but because of their different locations, their auras are quite different. Among them, the ones with the strongest spiritual energy are not much different from the retreat places of the other major sects in the other two extreme regions, while the worst ones are far too different, at most they are only comparable to today's Chenxing Sect. , it is extremely difficult to call it a place of cultivation.

It goes without saying that these houses also represent the identity of the disciples. The ones with the worst aura are probably where the handyman disciples live and practice.

Senior Brother Chen stopped in front of the door of the courtyard at the end. Even among the courtyards with the worst aura, this one was the worst.

The grandson of the dignified sect leader actually lives in a place like this! Gu Fenghua and others frowned involuntarily.

"After practicing for so many years, you still haven't made any progress at all. Don't you feel embarrassed with just such a small amount of cultivation?" Senior Brother Chen was about to open the door when a sarcastic voice came from the yard. Judging from the voice, the person speaking should be young, but extremely mean.

No one answered in the courtyard, and there was silence.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, like something being kicked down.

"As a direct descendant of the Lu family and a blood clan member, if you don't practice well and learn how to make alchemy like others, do you have the talent? Don't miss out on your true career!" Then, the mean voice sounded again.

Still no one answered, and the courtyard was still silent.

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