My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4450 4450 Can’t blame others

Gu Fenghua didn't want to cause trouble for Lu Linfeng, but when he fell into the eyes of the other party, he thought they were afraid. They all held their heads high and their expressions full of contempt.

"I thought it was a big deal, but it turns out it's just lip service. If you have the ability, why don't you give it a try?" the young man with triangular eyes said disdainfully.

"Don't talk nonsense to them. If you dare to meddle in my Lu family's business, don't even look at where this place is. Do it!" The young man at the head was even more impolite and ordered directly.

Those people raised their swords at the same time and were about to take action.

"Stop, it's none of their business!" Lu Linfeng finally couldn't help but speak, and stepped in front of Gu Fenghua.

It could be seen that the other party was still a little wary of Lu Linfeng, so he could only stop when he saw him standing in front of him.

"Senior Sister Gu, I appreciate your kindness. It was indeed my fault in that incident. It is right for them to vent their anger. Let them smash whatever they want." Lu Linfeng then turned to face Gu. Fenghua said. His eyes were full of bitterness and loneliness.

"Lu Linfeng, what do you mean by this? You say it as if I'm bullying you. If it weren't for you, how could I be in this situation today? Let alone smashing your house into pieces, even if I kill you, it won't be able to eliminate the hatred in my heart. !" As soon as Lu Linfeng finished speaking, the young man roared loudly, and his expression became even more distorted.

"Shut up!" A loud shout suddenly sounded at the door, and a middle-aged man looked at the young man and several Yunchuan Sect disciples beside him with an angry face.

"Fifth Elder! Disciple pays homage to the elder!" Several Yunchuan Sect disciples quickly put away their swords and saluted the middle-aged man.

It turns out that this is the fifth elder of the Yunchuan Sect. Gu Fenghua and others took a closer look at him and found that his face was somewhat similar to that young man.

"How many times have my father told you that Lin Feng cannot be blamed for what happened back then? As the elder brother, you should have given him some concessions. Why can't you let him go?" The middle-aged man looked at the young man and spoke earnestly. said.

"Father..." In front of his father, the young man was no longer as sarcastic as before, but he was even more unwilling to do so.

"Don't say anything, go back." The middle-aged man waved his hand and said without argument.

The young man was obviously afraid of his father. Although his face was full of reluctance, he did not dare to say anything. He stamped his feet and ran out with a look of resentment. When he left, he turned around and glared at Lu Linfeng.

"Why are you still standing there? If you dare to mess around next time, be careful I'll break your legs." The middle-aged man scolded the sect disciples again. Of course he is not so polite to outsiders.

Those disciples did not dare to say anything more and left the courtyard in dejection with their heads lowered, leaving only a mess in the courtyard.

"Lin Feng, I have wronged you." The middle-aged man looked at Lu Lin Feng lovingly and said with a hint of apology.

"What happened back then was indeed my fault. I can't blame anyone else, and I won't care." Lu Linfeng whispered, touching his heart. His expression was not only sad, but also a bit painful from the bottom of his heart.

"I can't say it's your fault. You were still young at that time and had an unstable mind. It was inevitable... Forget it, let's not mention it. In short, it's best if you don't care. I will talk to him again to make him think more openly. , if he still dares to make trouble unreasonably, come to me, I will deal with him a few times, and he will naturally become honest." Seeing the pain on his face, the middle-aged man stopped mid-sentence and said comfortingly.

"Yeah." Lu Linfeng nodded and said nothing more.

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