My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4455 4455 Finally caused a big disaster

Miss Luo had forgotten that they were in the Tianji Continent back then, and neither the aura of heaven and earth nor the techniques they practiced could be compared to the Wuji Holy Heaven. Lu Linfeng was born in the Yunchuan Sect and was the treasured grandson of the sect leader. It can be said that he was educated through various training resources. Such cultivation is really nothing worthy of praise.

"Yes, he is just a child after all. Even if his cultivation is slower, the sect leader doesn't have to be so disappointed with him." Fatty Bai followed.

Unlike Luo Enen, he has not forgotten the difference between Tianji Continent and Wuji Holy Sky. However, he has a good impression of Lu Linfeng and of course he has to say good things about him, so he selectively forgets it.

"Of course the sect leader has understood this. If he just practiced slower, he wouldn't be so disappointed in Lin Feng. What really disappointed him was what happened next." Chen Ju'an said.

"What happened next?" Luo Enen asked.

"In the sect's big exam, the sect leader discovered that Lin Feng had no holy energy, so he scolded him in front of all the sect's disciples. A generation of prodigies in everyone's eyes became a laughing stock overnight.

You probably also know that our Yunchuan Sect is based on clan. Although in times of crisis, all families and houses are united and share weal and woe, on weekdays there are indispensable overt and covert fights. Seeing that the younger generations who have high hopes for the sect leader are so unbearable, secretly, There were inevitably people who would gloat and point fingers at the misfortune. The young lady had quarreled with people several times and was so angry that she couldn't even get sick.

Although Lin Feng was young at that time, he didn't understand anything. Being pointed out like this and seeing his mother unable to afford it because of her illness, of course she felt uncomfortable. Gradually, she became taciturn and withdrawn, and would get into fights with others from time to time. . Fortunately, others were wary of the sect leader and did not dare to take action against him, and I kept an eye on him from time to time. Otherwise, he had no holy energy at that time and would have been injured many times.

Seeing him become like that, the sect leader actually felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, from then on, Lin Feng finally knew how to work hard, and finally cultivated the Holy Qi when he was six years old. The sect leader was overjoyed and went around to buy holy elixirs to help him build a solid foundation. As for his withdrawn temperament, he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Probably because he had been ridiculed too much in the past few years, Lin Feng's temperament became even more perverse and competitive after he gained strength. He would often hurt others when fighting with him, but he was a little kinder to the outer disciples. What's more, he is even more ruthless towards his brothers in the clan.

The sect leader actually trained him as the future sect leader of the Yunchuan Sect from the beginning. He probably thought that being a ruthless sect member was not a bad thing at all, so he didn't bother to take care of it, but he forgot that Lin Feng was just a child at that time. Rather than the suzerain. Under his repeated connivance, Lin Feng finally got into trouble.

He was twelve years old at the time, and was taking part in the sect's grand examination for the third time. Unlike the previous two, this time he not only tested his holy energy, but also had to compete with others, and his opponent was Lu Linshan.

Speaking of which, Lu Linshan is the number one prodigy of the younger generation of our Yunchuan Sect. Although he is not like Lin Feng, who has been using medicinal soup to cut the veins and cleanse the marrow every day since he was a full month, and use various holy elixirs to strengthen the essence, but it is only At the age of fourteen, he has cultivated to the ninth level of Xuansheng. If nothing unexpected happens, he is likely to be promoted to Tiansheng before the age of twenty, just like the young sect master at the time, and become one of the most outstanding disciples in the history of Yunchuan Sect.

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