My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4461 4461 was left by my mother

Lu Linfeng opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something more, but under Gu Fenghua's domineering gaze, she didn't say a word in the end. She took it over honestly, put it on and put it on the shelf.

The flames lit up, and Lu Linfeng began to flip the roasted chicken and roasted rabbit, but he was in a hurry, his movements were clumsy, even horribly clumsy. .

As a result, Luo Enen and others completely denied their previous speculations. If they could all become foodies, it would be a great humiliation for them. They say a long-term illness makes a good doctor, and foodies actually have the same truth. Even Miss Luo, who is the most lazy and lazy, has developed good cooking skills after eating a lot and seeing a lot, let alone others.

Of course, the good cooking skills here only refer to her cooking skills and the taste. There is no need to mention other things. It is a matter of talent. With the blessing of Tiankeng's aura, there was nothing she could do about it.

"Forget it, let me do it." Seeing Lu Linfeng in a hurry, he almost dropped the roasted chicken and roasted rabbit on the ground several times. What's even more frightening is that after turning it for a while, he didn't even have time to grease it, or he simply forgot to return it. With such a process, Gu Fenghua had no choice but to take action himself. If you let it continue to bake like this, it will probably become charred.

His left hand was turning the barbecue in an orderly manner, and his right hand was well-oiled and sprinkled with fine salt. Gu Fenghua's movements were smooth and fluid, with a strange sense of beauty, which was pleasing to the eye.

The more Lu Linfeng looked at it, the more he became ashamed, and his eyes were full of shame.

"You obviously don't know how to bake, so why are you carrying a barbecue grill with you?" Luo Enen asked strangely.

"My mother left it behind. I saw her baking it when I was a kid. I knew how to bake it, but I forgot about it as time went by." Lu Linfeng said in a low voice.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's slender and flexible fingers in the firelight, his eyes gradually became blurred and his mind fell into memories.

"I didn't eat well when I was a child, so my mother caught some pheasants and rabbits to roast. At first I didn't even want to taste them, and she even scolded me a few times. But after she forced me to eat them once, I stopped eating them. I can't forget it either." Lu Linfeng said in a whisper, his eyes sparkling again.

Luo Enen and others suddenly realized that no wonder Gu Fenghua had such a strange look on his face when he forced him to take the roast pheasant. He originally thought that he was frightened by Gu Fenghua, so scared that he almost shed tears. After making trouble for a long time, the plenary meeting misunderstood. In fact, he was triggered by the scene and thought of his deceased mother.

"I remember that I was addicted to eating, and pestered my mother from morning to night to eat barbecue. My mother was helpless because of my pestering, so she said that we had eaten all the pheasants and rabbits in the mountains, so I went to catch my uncle's house to raise I would bring chickens to roast. If I couldn’t catch chickens, I would catch birds. Once, I even caught the colorful demon falcon that the second elder had just caught.

It's obviously a monster, but just because it looks good, and because it hasn't grown up yet, and its strength has been sealed by the second elder, I treat it like a pheasant. When my mother saw it, the colorful demon falcon had been strangled to death by me. For this, my mother went to apologize to the second elder, and was scolded by him, but she didn't want to scold me when she came back. "A rare smile appeared on Lu Linfeng's face, but the water in his eyes became more and more intense.

"It turns out that this is how you got naughty when you were a child." Gu Fenghua said with sudden realization.

Everyone else also reacted and said that Lu Linfeng was extremely naughty when he was a child, stealing chickens and dogs, going to the house and uncovering tiles. It turned out that he just wanted to eat barbecue. As for mistaking the colorful demon falcon for a pheasant, they couldn't blame him at all. That thing looks like a pheasant, but it hasn't grown up yet, and its strength has been sealed. It would be strange for a child to recognize it.

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