My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4463 4463 Life experience is too rough

Chen Ju'an wanted to say that I was full, but when he smelled the tempting aroma, his stomach growled unsatisfactorily, and his face turned even redder with embarrassment.

"Then thank you, Senior Sister Gu." Lu Linfeng nodded and took the roast chicken generously.

Anyway, he took the initiative to speak last time, and he was not afraid of embarrassment. This time, he was much more relaxed, no matter how many lice or debts he had.

Chen Ju'an didn't have to worry about it now and took over a roast rabbit.

Being punished from being a core disciple to being an outer disciple, he actually suffered all the ridicule and ridicule from Lu Linshan and his gang. At this time, he put aside his reserve and became more cheerful than Lu Linfeng. As soon as he took the roasted rabbit, he tore it apart and bit it, like a whirlwind. Start eating.

However, there was no contempt on the faces of Luo Enen and others, only deep sympathy. It’s not like they don’t know what Wuji Shengtian’s food tastes like. It’s not easy to survive in the Lingji Realm, and no one must pay attention to their appetites. They don’t need to think too much to guess what they usually eat.

In short, it requires salt, no salt, no oil, no oil, and no taste. Eating it is like chewing wax, or even more uncomfortable than chewing wax. At least chewing wax has no peculiar smell. However, Wuji Shengtian’s food does not eliminate the fishy smell when eating meat, and does not eliminate the smell when eating vegetarian food. It is only slightly better than the legendary drinking of blood in order to remove the muddy smell.

It was the first time that Chen Ju'an tasted real delicious food, and it was cooked by Feng Hua himself. It was already very good without eating it with his tongue.

Next to him, Lu Linfeng's heart was temporarily untied, probably because of the mention of his mother and old childhood memories. He ate like a child, looking even less hungry than last time. However, there was always a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and there were tears in his eyes, as clear as a child's.

After eating two roast chickens and one roast rabbit, Chen Ju'an's stomach finally stopped growling.

If he hadn't met Gu Fenghua and had the good fortune to taste such delicious food, he wouldn't have known that he could eat so well and have such a good appetite. However, seeing the warm smile on Lu Linfeng's lips that never dissipated, he forgot his embarrassment and only felt deeply relieved.

It had been many years since I had seen such a smile on his face.

Gu Fenghua and others also took roasted chicken and roasted rabbit and ate slowly... No, it just looked slow. In fact, the movements were not slow at all, but because they were too calm and elegant, it gave people the illusion of slowness. .

It's the same thing about eating, but why can others eat so elegantly, while my appearance when eating is so ugly, as if I was reincarnated as a starving ghost. While Chen Ju'an felt deeply ashamed, he admired Gu Fenghua and others even more.

After dinner, Lu Linfeng started cleaning the yard.

"I'll do it, you go and have a rest." Luo Enen said eagerly.

Lu Linfeng's life experience is too rough, and I don't know how he managed to survive alone in the past few years, but looking at the crooked patches on his holy robe, it can be somewhat imagined.

Obviously, after seriously injuring Lu Linshan, although Lu Linfeng saved his life, the punishment he received was not just as simple as facing the wall and thinking about his fault, but was directly demoted from a core disciple to a handyman disciple. He lived in a simple house with the thinnest aura of heaven and earth, and had no one to take care of him in his daily life. He even had to do things like sewing and mending by himself, not to mention other things.

Looking at the worn-out holy robe, Luo Enen felt even more sad. After all, the Yunchuan Sect is a middle-grade sect, and it is not in decline. Even if it treats the handyman disciples, it is impossible to be so harsh. This is obviously the result of Lu Linshan and others making things difficult.

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