My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4472 4472 En En is the real monster.

"Next time, you can change the flavor of the barbecue. I heard people say that you wait for the rabbit. I didn't believe it. Today, I actually waited for the swan. Haha." After a while, the white fat man wiped his forehead and wanted to tell everyone a joke. To lighten the mood, the laughter was uglier than the tears.

Gu Fenghua also broke out in a cold sweat. Such a simple lotus seed porridge could actually be boiled into a huge poison. Such poisoning techniques were simply unheard of and unheard of.

I had vaguely heard others say that I was a monster in the past, but in terms of this poison technique alone, Miss Luo was the real monster.

Beside him, the emotion on Lu Linfeng's face had completely disappeared, leaving only deep fear in his eyes.

Even the poisonous centipedes and scorpions were so frightened, and even the swans flying in the sky were so frightened that they fell down. How poisonous must this pot of lotus seed porridge, which looks like a jade liquid and has a refreshing fragrance, be? ? Fortunately, Brother Ye is cautious, otherwise... Looking at the swan that knocked him down with one head and probably couldn't get up again, Lu Linfeng's heart tightened again, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? I obviously didn't let anything go." Of course, Luo Enen could no longer feel proud, and said with a grimace and no tears.

Such a simple lotus seed porridge could turn into poison. Not to mention others, even she was about to despair of herself.

"I think it's a problem with the lotus seeds. After being stored for a long time, the medicinal properties have changed." Ye Wuse held his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's it. The lotus seeds have been left for too long and their medicinal properties have changed. You can't blame me for this." Luo Enen's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

The corners of Gu Fenghua and others' mouths twitched at the same time. Although lotus seeds can be used as medicine, the medicinal properties are extremely weak, even so weak that they can be ignored. No matter how the medicinal properties are changed, it is impossible to make poison. Only Ye Wuse can think of such comfort, and of course, only Miss Luo can believe it.

Insects and ants were running away outside the hospital, but there was no movement inside. This is normal. There have always been people living in this courtyard. Although they are handyman disciples, their cultivation is not weak. Different from Luo Enen's newly built house in Nanli Sect, ordinary insects and ants have no spiritual intelligence, but they also have good luck. The instinct to avoid danger, how dare you build a nest in the yard.

Being frightened by Luo Enen, all the insects and ants within a few miles of the area naturally fled. Gu Fenghua and others also lost their appetites and buried the pot of poisonous porridge that was still hot and fragrant for several miles. Outside, they each chose a room to stay in.

After all, it is a middle-grade sect with a long history and profound heritage. Although this courtyard is used by handyman disciples, it is a bit worn and crude, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a bit too thin, but the place is spacious, with six rooms inside and outside. , enough for everyone to stay.

Like other sects, the Yunchuan Sect was quiet at night, and it was even more unusually quiet because of Luo Enen's pot of poisonous porridge.

Gu Fenghua was lying on the bed, looking at the endless night sky outside the window, but couldn't fall asleep.

The four phoenix powers obtained previously had five elements: fire, metal, water, and earth. As expected, only the last wood power was left.

She has been curious about the mysterious power of the last wood-type phoenix power. From Tianji Domain to Xuanji Domain, she has been paying attention to relevant rumors, but unfortunately she has found nothing.

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