My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4477 4477 Gu Fenghua’s “dominance”

Liu Sanjue suddenly became speechless. He wished it were the other medicinal herbs. It was just a waste of money. It was no big deal. But imperial medicinal herbs such as Xuanyou Emperor's Heart Flower, Cangyun Emperor's Firewood, and Purple Jade Emperor's Heart Grass... There is not a single one, so you can’t spend money even if you want to.

This time, Haikou was a bit exaggerated, and he couldn't take it back. The old magician's face was burning, and he wished he could get under the table.

"I'll give it to you." Just when Liu Sanjue's old face was hot and ashamed, Gu Fenghua took out a few Xuanyou Emperor's Heart Flower, Cangyun Emperor Firewood and a few Purple Jade Emperor Xuancao and placed them on Lu Linfeng's bed. in front of.

"Sister Gu, these medicinal materials are too precious, I..." Lu Linfeng declined almost out of habit, forgetting that he had just given several Xuanyou Emperor's Heart Flowers to Gu Fenghua and others the day before yesterday. At that time, he did not have any I have thought about whether something is precious or not.

This is the reason why Gu Fenghua admires Lu Linfeng. Although he looks indifferent on the surface, but from his casual actions, it is easy to see that he has a straightforward and cheerful nature. This is what Gu Fenghua likes most. temper.

"Take it." Gu Fenghua didn't give him a chance to refuse. Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted without any rebuttal.

"Oh." Lu Linfeng had become accustomed to Gu Fenghua's "dominance" and no longer looked at her like before, obediently putting the imperial medicinal materials into the storage bracelet.

"The most important thing for you now is to practice well. If you feel you owe me something, it won't be too late to repay me in the future once you have cultivated your skills. I have offended a lot of people, and I even pointed to someone to help me." Gu Fenghua didn't want to himself. His good intentions brought more psychological burden to Lu Linfeng, he said jokingly.

Lu Linfeng nodded heavily, and his eyes began to get wet.

Although he is young and withdrawn due to his unfortunate fate, he is not stupid. Of course he knows that Gu Fenghua said this just to reassure himself.

"I'm going to make tea." Lu Linfeng stood up and walked toward the kitchen, his steps a little panicked, and his hands quickly passed in front of him, obviously not wanting others to see his fragile side.

"Fenghua, thank you very much." When he entered the kitchen, Liu Sanjue raised his head and said gratefully to Gu Fenghua. One was grateful to Gu Fenghua for rescuing him, and the other was even more grateful for his concern for Lu Linfeng.

"It's just a few medicinal plants, Master Liu doesn't need to worry about it," Gu Fenghua said.

"These few medicinal herbs are nothing to you, but they are very important to Lin Feng. They might kill him." Liu Sanjue smiled bitterly.

Such imperial medicinal materials were not only amazing to Lu Linfeng, but also to him. Despite the fact that he has gained such a great reputation by cheating and cheating over the years, without the support of the sect, and not even having the blessed cultivation land left by previous generations of disciples like casual cultivators, he has to rely on himself to find a way to survive with all the cultivation resources. In fact, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford a few decent medicinal herbs.

"By the way, where did he find so many imperial medicinal materials?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

Such emperor-grade medicinal materials are rare in Tianji Realm and Xuanji Realm, and they must be even rarer in Lingji Realm. With Lu Linfeng's second-grade Xuansheng cultivation level, it is logically impossible to find them. Not only Luo Enen, but others also looked curious and subconsciously looked at Chen Ju'an.

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