My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4493 4493 You can hug me and cry if you want

"Fenghua..." Before she could finish her words, Luo Enen jumped into her arms. There seemed to be thousands of words, but after calling out the word Fenghua, he couldn't say a single word. His mouth was slightly open, and tears rolled down like broken pearls.

With tears of joy in their eyes, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also took two steps forward and subconsciously opened their arms, but after thinking about it, they put them down in embarrassment.

We have grown up, no longer when we were young, and there are differences between men and women, how can we still hug each other and cry like before, not to mention Ye Yunji is beside us. Even if Gu Fenghua doesn't care, as for Ye Yunji, what if the jealousy is overturned?

"Cry if you want, I won't laugh at you." Seeing the tears in their eyes, Ye Yunji's cold face showed a rare soft smile, as if an iceberg was melting.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse rubbed their noses. They were feeling uneasy and almost cried with joy, but when Ye Yunji said this, they had the nerve to cry.

"You can hold her and cry if you want." Ye Yunji added.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse both looked surprised. Then, looking at the gentle smile on Ye Yunji's face, they felt ashamed: With Brother Ye's magnanimity, how could he be jealous over such a trivial matter? How could I look at him like this? Isn't this judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart?

"I mean, hold me and cry." Ye Yunji touched his chin and added, the smile on his face suddenly turned playful.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse opened their mouths with astonishment on their faces, as if they had been hit hard on the top of their heads by a thunderbolt.

Brother Ye, he would actually make such a joke. Is this really the same Ye Yunji they knew who transcended the world and regarded everything as ants?

"Don't you want to hug me? Then don't say I won't give you a chance." Ye Yunji opened his arms, and his smile became more playful.

Suddenly, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse found that Ye Yunji had changed and became so close.

Although Ye Yunji also regarded them as friends in the past, always with an indifferent smile on his face, it always made people feel inexplicably alienated, as if there was an invisible barrier between them, dividing them into two Different world. They were more in awe of Ye Yunji and wanted to get close, but they couldn't really get close. Although he was clearly around, there was always an unreal and ethereal feeling.

At this moment, the barrier completely disappeared, and the night and clouds in front of me were so real and so kind.

"Brother Ye!" Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse smiled at the same time, stepped forward and gave Ye Yunji a firm hug.

I don't know whether it was because of joy or relief, but the tears of joy finally burst out of my eyes.

Looking sideways at a few people, Gu Fenghua also smiled.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse didn't know why Ye Yunji had such a subtle change, but she knew it very well.

No matter how proud Ye Yunji's temperament is, and no matter how powerful he is, deep down in his heart, he actually has a fragile side. This kind of fragility is not a cowardice of temperament, but the pain of losing loved ones, the longing for loved ones, and the guilt for them.

But in the past, like Lu Linfeng, he was unwilling to let anyone touch the vulnerability in his heart. This time, he finally opened up his heart completely and exposed the most vulnerable side of his heart in front of his eyes. As a result, his temperament also changed subtly.

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