My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4499 4499 Just a little bit closer

Gu Fenghua subconsciously turned his head to look at Ye Yunji, and when he met the gentle gaze, he saw that his face was still calm and calm, but with a warmer smile, and he was temporarily relieved.

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Gu Fenghua continued to circulate the holy energy with all his strength. As the blood screamed, the incomplete and violent Phoenix Power became much calmer. It was incorporated into her meridians bit by bit and gathered in the depths of the Qi Sea.

Finally, the last trace of Phoenix power hidden in Lu Linfeng's bloodline completely disappeared. Gu Fenghua didn't waste any time and pointed fiercely at his eyebrows.

This finger is as fast as lightning, but it contains countless changes. The moment it touched Lu Linfeng's brow, dozens of runes were layered on top of each other and printed directly into his body.

Next to him, Liu Sanjue was completely stunned. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that this finger could contain so many changes and that it could produce so many runes.

This kind of medical fingering technique is simply unheard of and unheard of!

Thinking that he actually had the nerve to claim himself as the master of Sanjue in front of her, Liu Sanjue was so ashamed again that his face turned red and he couldn't even lift his head.

"Lu Linfeng!" It wasn't until Luo Enen's exclamation sounded that Liu Sanjue suddenly woke up.

Looking up, he saw Lu Linfeng closing his eyes tightly, as if all his strength had been drained out of him in an instant, and he fell backwards.

"Lin Feng!" Liu Sanjue was shocked. He no longer cared about being ashamed, and took a step forward to hug Lu Linfeng.

"Don't touch him." Gu Fenghua took the lead and held Lu Linfeng's back with one hand, slowly laying him flat on the ground.

It was only then that Liu Sanjue discovered that a drop of transparent water appeared on Lu Linfeng's heart, condensing and not dissipating, as if it was imprisoned by an invisible barrier. However, this barrier is extremely thin and may be broken immediately with a slight touch.

Although he didn't know what this was, as a holy alchemist, he still instinctively felt a little uneasy.

"This is..." Liu San turned to Gu Fenghua in despair, not daring to take another step forward. I instinctively feel that this thing is dangerous.

"This is the poison he was poisoned with." Gu Fenghua carefully took out a jade bottle, put the water drops into it, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

There was only a slight chance that the poison would break the seal, and by then, even the gods might not be able to save him.

Wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, she was filled with joy: Fortunately, she was extra cautious this time and let Lu Linfeng take a lot of holy pills in advance, otherwise how could the seal last until now. Fortunately, he had Ye Yunji's blood in him, otherwise no matter how cautious he was, no matter how long he held on to the seal, Lu Linfeng would still be unable to escape death in the end.

"Ah, it turns out that you refined those Yuan-Puiling Pills to force the poison out of the body." Liu Sanjue exclaimed, finally realizing that Gu Fenghua did not refine the detoxifying pills, but instead refined a large number of Yuan-Puibing Pills. What is the purpose of this elixir.

Think about it, this poison is hidden deep in Lu Linfeng's bloodline. No matter how powerful Gu Fenghua is, it is difficult to identify the poison for a while, and it is even more difficult to refine a suitable detoxification pill. The best way is not to force it Forced out of body?

Why didn't I think of such a simple and effective method? Liu Sanjue slapped his forehead heavily. But after thinking about it, I felt relieved again. This method sounds simple, but not everyone can use it.

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