My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4503 4503 A burst of anger arose

"Master Liu, do you think this is Biyuan Qingdie Saliva?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously after his mood gradually calmed down.

She is no longer unfamiliar with Wuji Shengtian's endless treasures of heaven and earth. Even if she has never seen them, she has heard about them. However, she has never heard of the Biyuan Qingdie saliva that Liu Sanjue just mentioned.

"That's right." Liu Sanjue nodded, took the jade bottle from her hand, put several seals on it, and explained, "The Blue Abyss Butterfly is a poison unique to the Spirit Realm, and it can also be regarded as a poison. Monsters are not found in the other two extreme realms.

This butterfly has a green body and grows in poisonous miasma swamps. Its fluid can corrode the meridians and then corrode the Holy Spirit root. Once it is poisoned, even the emperor-level experts will not be able to escape the end of their cultivation. It can be said that Strange poison in the world! "

"There is such a terrible poison in the world, how come I haven't heard of it?" Luo Enen said with a curious face, while taking a few steps back, trying to keep a safe enough distance from Liu Sanjue.

Didn't Old Man Liu say that once he was poisoned, even the powerful Emperor Saint could not escape the end of his cultivation being completely destroyed? She did not want to seek death.

"It has been tens of thousands of years since the Blue Abyss Butterfly disappeared. Not to mention you, I am afraid that not many people in the entire Spiritual Realm have heard of it. I was only a little worried when I heard a senior accidentally mention it when I was in the Jade Cauldron Sect. Impression. But if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have almost forgotten that such a strange poison had ever existed in the world." Liu Sanjue explained.

"Lin Feng, where did you meet Biyou Qingdie?" Luo Enen asked Lu Linfeng with a sympathetic look.

He was able to encounter ancient monsters that had been extinct for tens of thousands of years, and he was also poisoned. This must have been a bit unlucky. Others said she was a scumbag, but compared with Lu Linfeng, she felt that she was blessed with good fortune.

Lu Linfeng shook his head blankly. He had no impression of the Biyuan Qingdie that Liu Sanjue said. Moreover, according to Liu Sanjue, the Biyuan Qingdie grew in the poisonous miasma swamps. Where was it near the Yunchuan Sect? What kind of poisonous miasma swamp are you coming to?

"He has never met Biyou Qingdie!" Liu Sanjue shook his head and said loudly, his eyes ignited with anger, and the fingers holding the jade bottle were trembling with anger.

"How do you know?" Luo Enen asked doubtfully. I don't know why this old man is crazy, but he is so angry all of a sudden. For fear that he will be too excited and crush the jade bottle, Luo Enen takes two steps back.

"Although to us human saint masters, the birth fluid of the Blue Abyss Butterfly is extremely poisonous, but to it itself, it is only used to feed its offspring. They will only spit out saliva when feeding the chrysalis. If you want to obtain the saliva of the Biyuan Blue Butterfly, you must first catch it and force it to spit out the saliva with holy energy. Moreover, the Biyuan Blue Butterfly is extremely small, with a length of only one inch at most. If there are only one or two, it will not be able to vomit the saliva at all. Not much birth fluid can be collected." Liu Sanjue said with a dark face.

"You mean, someone poisoned you!" Luo Enen thought for a moment, then a light flashed in his eyes, and he finally realized why Liu Sanjue was so angry.

Since the Blue Abyss Butterfly can only be obtained artificially, then even if Lu Linfeng meets the legendary Blue Abyss Butterfly, there will be no harm at all. The reason why he was poisoned was, of course, because someone did it deliberately.

And since he was a child, he had been bathing in strange flower medicinal soup. He had excellent aptitude, but his cultivation was a mess. He was unable to cultivate holy energy until he was five years old. This doesn't mean anything. It means that he was poisoned when he was still in his infancy. I don’t know who could use such ruthless methods to poison such a young child?

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