My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4511 4511 I’m afraid I won’t even have the chance to be sad.

"Red pill seeds have a numbing taste and are used as medicine to remove evil spirits and righteousness..." Fatty Bai still had no expression on his face.

"what about this?"

"what about this?"

"what about this……"

Luo Enen asked eloquently, and Fatty Bai answered tirelessly, his expression almost nervous and dull.

Next to them, Ye Wuse and Liu Sanjue were both "glaring with eagerness". Their eyes followed Luo Enen's little hand, which was raised, lowered, raised again, and then lowered... At some point, thin traces of blood oozed from their foreheads. Sweat condensed into sweat beads and flowed into the collar as the head moved up and down, but they didn't even dare to wipe it, for fear that Luo Enen would accidentally add something to the pot.

Of course, this is also because the person standing in front of him is Luo Enen. If it had been anyone else, it wouldn't matter even if he poured all the seasonings into the dish, it would just taste a little bit unpalatable, and it wouldn't kill anyone. But Miss Luo is different. She can even boil the simplest lotus seed porridge into a highly poisonous substance. The suitors believe that the medicinal properties of red corn seeds and lotus seeds are much stronger than those of lotus seeds.

"What about this one?" Luo Enen picked up another porcelain bottle.

"Ah... I can't stand it anymore, so you might as well poison me to death." Liu Sanjue thought that he had gone through hardships and wasted his life and had already cultivated his heart as hard as iron. Only then did he realize that he had overestimated his ambition. , finally let out a cry of collapse and rushed out of the kitchen. Instead of staying here and suffering, it would be better to just let her be poisoned to death.

"That's all, there is no joy in life, no pain in death, your destiny is determined by the day, just do whatever you want." Ye Wuse let out a long sigh and walked out, his expression was unprecedentedly tragic.

"What do you mean?" Looking at Ye Wuse's deserted back, Luo Enen asked inexplicably.

"Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven." Fatty Bai said numbly.

"I'm just watching you cook a dish. Is it so scary?" Luo Enen was stunned for a while, and finally reacted, saying with a depressed look.

"I think I'd better poison myself to death." Fatty Bai stared at Luo Enen for a long time, with a numb and helpless expression on his face.

In order to prevent Fatty Bai from committing suicide, Luo Enen finally left the kitchen. Of course, when he left, he felt sad and his eyes were full of loneliness.

Seeing her depressed look, Ye Wuse and others felt a little sad, but soon they adjusted their mood: it is better to be sad alone than to be sad to everyone... No, that's not right, if If Miss Luo was really happy, they might not even have the chance to be sad.

The blue sky was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and spiritual clouds gathered together.

"Someone has been promoted." A disciple named Yunchuan Sect raised his head, only glanced at it for a few times, and then looked back calmly.

After all, it was a middle-grade sect. The Yunchuan Sect had as many as a thousand disciples, and someone was promoted every few days. It was no big deal.

"Hey, that's not right." But soon, someone raised his head again.

"What's wrong?" The companion next to him looked at him doubtfully.

"It seems to be the residence of the handyman disciples," the former said.

"So what?" The latter was even more confused.

What happened to the handyman disciple? The handyman disciples also need to practice. As long as they practice, they will of course be promoted. And because their cultivation level is not high and their starting point is too low, the handyman disciples who are just starting to get promoted can even advance faster than the core disciples. What is wrong with this?

"It's Lu Linfeng's residence." The former finally gave the answer.

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