My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4513 Actually, I envy you very much

If she wanted to, she could even make Lu Linfeng's cultivation level higher, but after thinking about it, she gave up the idea of ​​overthrowing the talent.

They say you should start practicing early, but there is always a limit to everything. Why do those Junshi disciples practice so fast in the early stage, but slow down when they reach the threshold of Heavenly Sage? This is just to build a stronger foundation.

The stronger the foundation before the Heavenly Sage, the greater the certainty of promotion to the Emperor Saint. After reaching the Emperor Saint, the path of cultivation is relatively smoother. If one day the cultivation level reaches the top of the Emperor Saint, it will be more likely to break through that The legendary limits of heaven and earth - even though no one has ever broken the limits of heaven and earth except for the vague legends, the truly strong have never given up on such efforts.

Ordinary sect disciples do not have such ambitious goals. Being promoted to Heavenly Sage is already the goal that many people pursue throughout their lives. If they can be promoted to Emperor Sage, it will be a blessing from heaven and they will have no regrets in this life. However, Gu Fenghua still hopes Lu Linfeng can walk farther and stand higher.

The promotion from the second level of Xuansheng to the Heavenly Sage in one step has already stimulated Lu Linfeng's cultivation potential to the extreme. If it were any higher, it would be counterproductive and would be harmful to his future cultivation.

"Tian Sheng, we have arrived at Tian Sheng. I think I should feel at ease under the cold words." Liu Sanjue pulled Lu Linfeng and looked left and right, as if he couldn't get enough, and said , laughing and wiping away tears.

"Mother, I've arrived at Tiansheng. Did you see that I've arrived at Tiansheng." Lu Linfeng murmured to himself, with tears in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai couldn't help but think of their irresistible excitement and joy when they first succeeded in cultivation. At the same time, they recalled the tears in their grandfather's eyes at that time, and their eyes couldn't help but turn slightly red.

Of course, the grandfather they remember is not actually their real grandfather. He was just entrusted by others to live under the fence. However, they never regarded Ye Wuse or Fatty Bai as outsiders, and their care for them even far exceeded that of their own children. It is precisely because of this that Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse are even more grateful. Looking back on the past many years later, they are even more moved.

Gu Fenghua had a similar life experience to them. Seeing such a scene, of course he was filled with emotions. Recalling his grandfather who was far away in Wuji Shengtian, and his brothers whose whereabouts were unknown and who had probably returned to Wushangtian, he felt a little inexplicable. sad.

"Actually, I envy you very much." Ye Yunji watched this scene for a long time and said softly.

Gu Fenghua was startled for a moment, then understood.

Although they were dependent on others, they had been cared for since childhood. But when Ye Yunji came to Wuji Holy Heaven, he was alone, with no one to care about him, and no one to take care of him. He was able to get to where he is today, all because of his own efforts. Compared with him who was all alone, no matter Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, or himself, they were all so lucky.

"You still have me." Gu Fenghua leaned on his chest and held his palm tightly.

Ye Yunji held her hand and showed a bright smile, like the rising sun.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" A surprised voice sounded. Luo Enen held a few green fruits and asked carelessly while biting them.

"Where have you been?" Gu Fenghua realized that someone was missing and asked casually.

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