My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4520 4520 No, it’s definitely not a coincidence!

Gu Fenghua and others remained silent, feeling an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

Although the Heart-Lianning Night Flower is not too rare, it is definitely not common and will never appear inexplicably in the flower garden. Obviously, their guess was not wrong. Lu Linfeng lost control of his mind and severely injured Lu Linshan, and it was also someone else's plan.

He was orphaned and widowed, and his status was extremely special. Even Chen Ju'an had to avoid suspicion, and other sect disciples would not approach him at will. Except for those who were very close to him, who would have the opportunity to quietly plant a few Lianxin Youye plants in the flower garden? flower?

Lu Hansong's friendly face appeared in everyone's minds again. But this time, even Luo Enen didn't speak.

His grandfather went mad, his mother died of illness, and his best cousin was destroyed by his own hands. Lu Linfeng was abandoned by all his relatives and left alone. His heart was full of regret. Only Lu Hansong cared for him. In his mind, this uncle was the most important person in the world. The only thing to rely on.

If all these things were done by Lu Hansong, how heartbroken he would be!

"Don't think too much, maybe it's just a coincidence." Thinking about Lu Linfeng's rough fate, even Miss Luo, who had always been heartless, sympathized with his pain. She was silent for a while and said comfortingly.

"Lor Enen is right, maybe it's just a coincidence." Ye Wuse also said.

"No, it's definitely not a coincidence!" Lu Linfeng raised his head fiercely and gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay to harm me, but if he harms my grandfather and my mother like this, no matter who he is, I will cut him into pieces. !”

Seeing the endless hatred burning like fire in his eyes, Luo Enen and Ye Wuse were slightly startled.

Although Lu Linfeng was cold and withdrawn before, his brows were filled with sorrow, and even a bit of hopeless indifference. Coupled with his thin figure and pale face, it was easy for people to feel pity, and at this time Lu Linfeng was filled with hatred, and his thin body seemed to be filled with endless power, as if he had become a completely different person. Staring into his red eyes, they secretly felt their hearts palpitate.

Gu Fenghua was delighted. If Lu Linfeng cannot face the reality, his life will be completely ruined. Even if he escapes this time, he will die sooner or later due to other people's conspiracy. Although he was full of hatred at this time, he was also very motivated to fight. I have to say that sometimes, hatred is also a driving force that can make people stronger.

The most important thing is, if he doesn't dare to face such hatred, what's the point of living in this world?

"Yes, let's go and confront him now. How dare you frame Lin Feng like this? I, Liu Sanjue, will never be at odds with him!" Liu Sanjue walked out angrily.

Back then, he was framed by someone and accidentally injured his senior brother, and was expelled from the Jade Cauldron Sect. Unexpectedly, his only close friend in his life, his descendant, was also framed and accidentally injured his cousin, and suffered unjust injustice, and the method was exactly the same. . How could he not be angry, how could he not hate?

Lu Linfeng did not move, and Gu Fenghua and others also did not move, so Liu Sanjue stopped again and looked at them doubtfully. Luo Enen, who was following behind him majestically, stopped when he saw this.

"If he really did it, how could he admit it?" Lu Linfeng shook his head and said.

"As long as I have real evidence in hand, I'm not afraid that he won't admit it." Liu Sanjue said with a cold snort.

"If we have real evidence in hand, we are not afraid that he will not admit it, but do we have it?" Lu Linfeng said.

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