My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4533 4533 How long will the good show last?

How could the former No. 1 prodigy of the Yunchuan Sect have fallen to such an extent? You must know that the Lu family has very strict rules, and Lu Zhengting has been upright and upright in his life. He would hate such sneaky villain behavior, so it is no wonder that he is so angry that he goes crazy.

Originally, they had some sympathy for Lu Hanfeng, but at this time, they were left with only pain and contempt, and a bit of regret: Lu Zhengting, Lu Hanyu and his son were both heroes in their lives, how could they give birth to such unfilial descendants.

"It's not me, it's not me." Lu Linfeng clenched his fists tightly. Although his mind is much more mature and calm than the average person of his age, when he suddenly encounters this kind of thing, his mind is still in chaos.

"It's just a few Heaven and Earth Mysterious Heart Pills. It's not a great panacea. What does it matter if you got it? I think back then, your father died fighting for the sect, and many of these uncles in the audience were After being saved by him, are their lives not as good as a few Xuanxin Pills? You go down first, your uncle is here, so you don't have to worry about anything." Lu Hansong said comfortingly.

Until now, his expression was still so gentle, and the look he looked at Lu Hanfeng was still so kind, just like looking at his most beloved nephew.

After hearing his words, the expressions of everyone in the audience softened a lot. Indeed, many sect disciples present were saved by Lu Hanyu. If he hadn't saved them, even if Lu Hanyu had relapsed from his old injuries, he might not have been able to break out of the siege.

It is precisely because of this reason that even though Lu Linfeng seriously injured Lu Linshan back then, he only faced the wall and thought about his fault, instead of being expelled from the sect by abolishing his cultivation. Such a big mistake can be forgiven, a few Heaven and Earth Xuanxin Pills are really nothing.

Gu Fenghua was so angry that he wanted to curse: Is this really a consolation? This clearly confirmed Lu Linfeng's crime of stealing the Xuanxin Pill of Heaven and Earth and pushed him into the fire pit!

Initially, Gu Fenghua was only suspicious of Lu Hansong, but at this moment, she was certain that everything that happened to Lu Linfeng must be Lu Hansong's doing!

But she just looked at Lu Hansong coldly and said nothing. At this time, Lu Hansong had a kind face, and his eyes when looking at Lu Linfeng were full of care. Not only the disciples of the Yunchuan Sect, but also several elders were deeply moved. No matter what she said, no one would believe it. It even backfired, making her the target of public criticism.

Gu Fenghua was not in a hurry, she really wanted to see how long Lu Hansong could sing this good show and what tricks he could perform.

"Father, Lu Linfeng violated the sect's rules and did something so degrading to the family tradition. Even my grandfather was so angry that he went crazy. You are still so protective and conniving. Are you really going to watch our Yunchuan Sect's ten thousand-year-old foundation be destroyed?" Is it in his hands?" Lu Linshan said with tears streaming down her face, feeling both sad and disappointed.

Gu Fenghua couldn't help but look at him a few more times. Lu Hansong's acting skills were already very good and exquisite. This Lu Linshan's acting skills were even better than his father's. Sure enough, he had a family background, and he was better than his predecessors.

"Shut up!" Lu Hansong shouted harshly.

Lu Linshan was shocked and didn't dare to say any more, but the eyes she looked at her father were full of resentment and grievance.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Not only the other uncles, but also my life was saved by Han Yu. We owe this to him and his son." Lu Hansong glanced at him, as if Unable to bear it, he remained silent for a moment and then spoke in a slower tone. As he spoke, tears flashed in his eyes.

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