My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4539 4539 The real brain is flooded

The most shocking thing is that she didn't take them one by one, but grabbed them out one after another. Please, take such a precious holy elixir and put it in a bottle. Do you think this is... What, fried broad beans?

What a waste! The same words came to everyone's mind at the same time.

"Master Elder, do you think Lin Feng can be promoted to Heavenly Saint with these holy pills?" Gu Fenghua finally spoke again and asked the Supreme Elder.

"That's enough." The Supreme Elder said with difficulty as he looked away from her hand.

Not to mention anything else, these Chaos Xuantian Pills alone are enough for any Xuansheng to be promoted to Heavenly Sage - after all, it is not one Chaos Xuantian Pill, but a handful, oh no, two handfuls.

"Then, do you think it is necessary for Lin Feng to steal some Heaven and Earth Xuanxin Pill?" Gu Fenghua then asked.

"No." The Supreme Elder smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Just looking at Gu Fenghua's gesture of grabbing large amounts of broad beans, he knew that she didn't take these holy elixirs seriously at all. It didn't matter if Lu Linfeng just used them as snacks to eat and play, so why take the risk? What Heaven and Earth Xuantian Pill was stolen from Zangzhen Pavilion? Is your brain wet?

He wasn't sure whether Lu Linfeng was confused or not. What he was sure of was: whoever wants to think that way is the one.

"Who is this Gu Fenghua? How come he has so many top-quality elixirs in his body?"

"Lu Linfeng stepped on shit. Such good things have caught up with him. If it weren't for these holy pills, especially the Chaos Xuantian Pill, I don't believe he could be promoted to Heavenly Saint."

"Humph, that doesn't mean he has a good father." The Yunchuan Sect disciples at the foot of the steps started talking again. Some were envious, some were jealous, and some hated him, but no one suspected that he was involved in the theft of the Xuanxin Pill from the Cangzhen Pavilion—after all, none of them had any brain damage.

"Since it's not Lu Linfeng, who could it be?" Someone finally remembered the business and asked doubtfully.

Of course, no one could give an answer to this question. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the elders on the stage.

"Cough, cough, Lin Feng, it's our fault. We wrongly blamed you and made you feel wronged." The Taishang Elder didn't have the problem of being a tough talker. He was embarrassed, so he apologized to Lu Linfeng. After all, he was the Taishang Elder. , he still has this kind of tolerance.

Of course, the facts are right in front of him. Unless he wants to be scolded as an old fool or a fool, he really can't find a reason to be so stubborn.

After all, he was an elder, so his apology was not completely sincere, but after hearing his words, Lu Linfeng's eyes turned red. From the first time he took part in the sect's grand examination, he fell from being the proud son of heaven and became the laughing stock of the Yunchuan sect. He was looked down upon and ridiculed. After seriously injuring Lu Linfeng, he was even more criticized and bullied. . This was the first time someone apologized to him. The thick clouds that shrouded my heart finally broke through, and sunshine poured down.

"After all, only you and a few of us know how to open the forbidden barrier. It is inevitable that we have such misunderstandings. You must also understand our difficulties." Elder Taishang obviously could not understand Lu Linfeng's mood, seeing his eyes turning red. , thinking that the resentment in his heart would not go away, he explained again.

Gu Fenghua patted Lu Linfeng's shoulder comfortingly. The Supreme Elder could not understand his mood, but she felt the same. In the past, she was ridiculed and misunderstood by everyone just like Lu Linfeng. However, she was luckier than Lu Linfeng. She had the company of her brothers and her grandfather's unreserved trust and care.

Compared with Lu Linfeng, she realized more deeply how lucky and happy she was.

"Don't worry, Lin Feng, we will definitely get to the bottom of this matter and give you an explanation." The Supreme Elder said loudly again.

Speaking of which, he already had a deep prejudice against Lu Linfeng, and there was no way he could completely change his opinion of him just because he was promoted to Heavenly Sage. However, as an elder, he could not ignore right and wrong just because of his own likes and dislikes. Finding out the truth is not only an explanation for Lu Linfeng, but also an explanation for himself and all Yunchuan Sect disciples.

But as he said this, he was secretly beating the drum in his heart. There were only a few people who knew how to open the forbidden barrier in Cangzhen Pavilion. If it wasn't Lu Linfeng, could it be that they were the ones who couldn't do it? If we really want to investigate, where should we start?

"No need to go to so much trouble. I know who stole the Heaven and Earth Xuanxin Pill and who caused Old Sect Master Lu to go crazy." Gu Fenghua said lightly.

"Oh." The Supreme Commander looked at Gu Fenghua doubtfully.

Other Yunchuan Sect disciples also knew that despite what the Supreme Elder said so neatly and neatly, this matter was really difficult to investigate and would probably become an unsolved case in the end. Hearing Gu Fenghua speak so firmly, they all looked up curiously. When she looked over, she saw Gu Fenghua smiling but not smiling, looking meaningfully at the person in front of him.

"Fifth Elder!" Someone exclaimed again.

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