Although this meant that she would not be able to exert her strength to the extreme, Teng Hongtu underestimated the enemy and let her hit him as motionless as a wooden stake. However, he might not be able to bring out even 50% of his strength. It's strange that he wasn't seriously injured when it went up.

And once he was seriously injured, it would not be so easy to escape. How could Gu Fenghua give him a chance?

With one slash of his sword, Gu Fenghua finally showed his full strength. The dragon's roar of the long sword wrapped in silk cloth, the divine light, and the seven dazzling golden holy beads finally appeared between her eyebrows.

"Seventh-grade Emperor Saint, she turns out to be a seventh-grade Emperor Saint!" The crowd exclaimed again, and some disciples with low cultivation and weak ambitions were so frightened by the mighty sword that their feet softened and they fell directly to the ground.

Even the Supreme Elder and others had their eyes widened with horror on their faces.

Only then did they realize that what Gu Fenghua just said was not arrogance at all, and Teng Hongtu really couldn't resist even one of her moves!

Seeing the shocking sword light coming towards him, and looking at the holy pearl flashing between Gu Fenghua's brows, Teng Hongtu of course understood his true strength, and there was no trace of contempt on his face.

"I've been fooled, I've been fooled, this little girl is so cunning, so treacherous, so..." At this moment, Teng Hongtu regretted so much that he hit the wall. He was beating in his heart and cursing, and he hurriedly pulled out his sword.

Just as he was drawing the sword, waves of heartbreaking pain came from his chest - Gu Fenghua's palm not only shattered his internal organs, but even the hard sternum was shaken to pieces. Even if he just moved his arm slightly, it would stretch the injured area and make people miserable, but he couldn't care less about life and death.

The long sword was unsheathed, the holy energy was poured into it without reservation, and seven golden holy beads also appeared on his forehead.

The seventh-grade Emperor Saint, this old man's cultivation has actually reached the seventh-grade Emperor Saint.

Gu Fenghua secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the old man was looking for death. He had to give him three moves, otherwise it would be difficult for him to keep him.

While you are sick, I will kill you! Seeing Teng Hongtu's true strength, Gu Fenghua would not be merciful. Before he could gather the holy energy of the seventh-grade Emperor Saint to the extreme, the sword light in his hand had already fallen from the sky.

Teng Hongtu had no choice but to grit his teeth and raise his sword fiercely.

"Qiang!" There was a crisp sound, and the long sword in Teng Hongtu's hand, which had an ancient shape and spiritual undertones and was obviously of extraordinary origin, was broken. I myself spurted out blood and flew out again.

It fell heavily to the ground. He was holding half of the long sword, trying to prop up his body, but just as he raised his head, he heard a soft ding, and the sword was broken into pieces in his hand, leaving only a hilt. His body fell to the ground again, unable to get up again. He could only raise his neck and stare at Gu Fenghua. His eyes were full of unwillingness and shame.

A powerful man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint actually lost to a little girl who was still young, and the defeat was so humiliating that he completely fell down without even showing his true strength. There is nothing more shameful than this in the world. Something?

As Holy Masters, Yunchuan Sect disciples and several elders can also imagine Teng Hongtu's state of mind at this time, and can better understand his shameful and unwilling look. Even though they hate him deeply in their hearts, they can't help but feel. mercy.

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