My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4576 4576 We will never forget it

"Miss Gu, thank you for your help." The confusion in Lu Zhengting's eyes gradually disappeared. While thanking Gu Fenghua in a hoarse voice, he stood up with difficulty and wanted to salute her.

"It's just a matter of effort. Old Sect Master Lu doesn't need to be polite." Gu Fenghua quickly supported Lu Zhengting, but did not let him get up. Lu Linfeng and several disciples next to him supported him from behind.

"I have heard what happened just now. This time our Yunchuan Sect was able to escape the disaster, thanks to the help of you and Mr. Ye. I also came to the rescue with my old life. For this kindness and virtue, I, Yunchuan The clan will never forget it, and if we are asked to do something in the future, we will not dare to disobey it." Lu Zhengting breathed heavily and said to Gu Fenghua with a serious face.

Although his cultivation was restrained before, he still had his ears and eyes intact. He could hear everything happening outside clearly, otherwise he would not have rescued Lu Linfeng when he fell into the hands of Lu Zhengqiao. Of course, he was in a state of confusion at that time and could not calmly think about it. He took action just out of his instinct to lick a calf. Only then did he finally regain consciousness and realize how much debt the Yunchuan Sect owed to Gu Fenghua.

"We will never forget this kindness and virtue. If you are asked to do anything, don't dare to obey!" The surrounding Yunchuan Sect disciples also shouted in unison.

If it hadn't been exposed by Gu Fenghua, Lu Hansong, the despicable and shameless person, would have ascended to the position of sect leader as he wished. Despite what Teng Hongtu said, what good would come of seeking skin from a tiger? It won’t be long before the Yunchuan Sect’s ten thousand-year-old foundation will be destroyed by Teng Hongtu!

Such a great favor, let alone just obeying Gu Fenghua's orders, even if they risked their lives for her, they would never complain at all.

"Old Sect Leader Lu is out. I am worthy of Lin Feng and my sister. These are my duties. You have not recovered your holy energy, so you should have a good rest first. If you have anything to say, we can wait until you feel better." Look. Seeing those young but determined faces, Gu Fenghua was secretly pleased and said to Lu Zhengting politely.

Although she had forced the poison out of Lu Zhengting's body, he had been seriously injured trying to break through the restriction, and all his holy energy had been consumed. He had to train hard for several days before he could recover.

"Grandpa, let me help you go back to your room to rest first." Lu Linfeng and several other disciples lifted Lu Zhengting.

"Wait, I have something to say to Linshan." Lu Zhengting shook his head and said.

After hearing his words, everyone suddenly remembered that just now they were only worried about the safety of the sect leader, but they had forgotten about Lu Hansong, Lu Linshan and his son.

Turning around, he saw Lu Hansong lying in a pool of blood, no longer breathing. This person is indeed ruthless, not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself. The slap he slapped on his body was not merciful.

Lu Linshan knelt down next to him in despair. The tears on her face had dried, but her eyes were empty and lifeless.

"Lin Shan." Lu Zhengting was silent for a moment and shouted in a low voice.

Lu Linshan was shocked, finally came to his senses, fell to his knees suddenly, and said to Lu Zhengting with a sad expression: "My father deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, and the world cannot tolerate it. He must be blamed for his death. Linshan is willing to be punished on his father's behalf. He only asks the sect master Your Excellency, please be patient and leave his body intact."

"Linshan, what your father did has nothing to do with you. He made such a big mistake, even if his body was cut into pieces, why should you plead for him again?" The Supreme Elder sighed and said.

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