My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4582 4582 Let them go like this

"We, we are handyman disciples. This kind of menial work is our job, so how can we bother young masters and distinguished guests to do it." The triangular-eyed man bowed his head and tried his best to put on a smile that he thought he was humble.

A handyman disciple? Only then did Gu Fenghua and others notice the holy robes on their bodies. Sure enough, although the holy robes worn by several people were embroidered with the sect's logo, they were rough in texture and shabby in workmanship. They were exactly the clothes worn by handyman disciples.

I remember that the last time I saw them, several of them were well-dressed, and their holy robes were of extraordinary quality. Even if they were not core disciples, they were inner disciples, and yet they were demoted to servant disciples so quickly.

No need to guess, Gu Fenghua also knew that they were implicated by Lu Hansong. Although they did not participate in Lu Hansong's conspiracy, it is an indisputable fact that they followed Lu Linshan and bullied Lu Linfeng in order to please Lu Hansong these years. Lu Linshan had a reason to hate Lu Linfeng, but their sin was unforgivable. He did not take their lives, but only demoted them to servant disciples, which was actually an extra mercy.

"Get out!" Lu Linfeng also guessed why several people were suddenly demoted from inner disciples to handyman disciples, but he didn't have the slightest sympathy, and he didn't show any good looks to them, so he shouted coldly.

"Young Master, it was all our fault in the past. We have realized our mistakes. Please give us a way to survive." The three-cornered people fell to their knees with a plop.

They knew that Lu Linfeng was now innocent, and as long as no big accident happened, it would only be a matter of time before he ascended to the position of young sect leader, or even took over the position of sect leader. If he cannot get his forgiveness, even if he is demoted to a handyman disciple or leaves the Yunchuan Sect, he will still die.

Lu Linfeng looked at them coldly, still saying nothing.

"We were wrong, we were wrong. Please give us a way out, young master." Several people cried bitterly and kowtowed until their foreheads were dripping with blood, and they seemed completely unaware.

"Go." Finally, Lu Linfeng handed over the broom in his hand.

"Thank you, young master. Thank you, young master." The people with triangular eyes quickly stood up and took the broom as if they were receiving an amnesty. They didn't even have time to pay attention to the injury on their foreheads and started to get busy.

"It would be too easy for them to let them go like this." Looking at the busy figures coming in and out, Luo Enen looked away and whispered disapprovingly.

"They are just a little philistine. Even if they are wrong, their mistakes will not lead to death. Besides, there are many people in the sect who can act according to the prevailing situation, but they are not as shameless as a few of them. We really have to care about them one by one. If that's the case, I can't care less. I'm not letting them go, I'm just too lazy to waste my time on such people." Lu Linfeng explained, his indifferent tone was quite a bit arrogant like a young master from an aristocratic family.

"If Old Sect Leader Lu hears what you say, he will probably feel relieved." Gu Fenghua said thoughtfully, looking at Lu Linfeng's face that became obviously brighter and no longer a bit melancholy, and said with relief.

"Oh, why?" Lorne asked in confusion.

"As Old Sect Master Lu, as long as he shows a little displeasure, these people will have no chance of survival, and why should they be left in the Yunchuan Sect again? Wouldn't that put Lin Feng in trouble?" Gu Fenghua did not answer directly. She asked, but said meaningfully.

"Yes, yes, this kind of people can just be beaten to death with sticks. Why does Sect Master Lu keep them here?" Luo Enen nodded repeatedly, but became even more confused.

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