My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4596 4596 This is the opportunity she has been waiting for

If he hadn't been surprised by the two people's extraordinary qualifications and the need for help, he would have wished to smash Gu Fenghua into a pulp with one palm. That is what Lu Zhengting and others are worried about.

"What's so great, isn't it the Supreme Heaven?" Gu Fenghua said disapprovingly.

Supreme heaven! Lu Zhengting and several elders' sword-holding hands trembled in fright.

After all, the Yunchuan Sect is not as simple as an ordinary middle-grade sect, and they have also heard about the Supreme Heaven. No wonder after much deliberation, I never thought that Wuji Holy Heaven had produced a peerless powerful man named Baili Changsheng. It turned out that he actually came from Supreme Heaven. Also, apart from the three holy kings who dominate the world, how could such a powerful person emerge from Wuji Holy Heaven.

"Do you know the origin of this deity?" Baili Changsheng was also shocked.

At such a young age, Gu Fenghua was able to achieve such a level of cultivation in a low-level plane like Wuji Holy Heaven. This talent was enough to shock him, but he did not expect that her eyesight and insight were so extraordinary that she could see so easily. He told his origins and said it so disapprovingly. Looking at that beautiful young face, Baili Changsheng was stunned for a moment.

Nonsense, except for the guy from the Supreme Heaven, who would be so self-righteous and always talk about the word "I"? Having seen Ao Canhun's arrogance, Gu Fenghua already knew what kind of virtue these guys were.

Noticing the momentary lack of concentration in his eyes, Gu Fenghua's heart moved. This was the opportunity she had been waiting for.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!" The long sword slashed out again.

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!" Taking advantage of the time when Gu Fenghua and Baili Changsheng were talking, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse quickly took the healing holy elixir and refined the elixir power, and finally recovered some, and also Take action at the same time.

"Dragon Sword, Wuzun!" Ye Yun roared silently, and once again slashed out a piece of golden sword light.

Seeing Gu Fenghua and others taking action at the same time, Lu Zhengting and others were suddenly startled, their eyes widened, and they could hardly believe what they saw.

No one knows what level of cultivation Baili Changsheng has reached, but judging from the understatement of the power of a palm just now, even top experts like the Eighteen Lord Envoys are probably no match for him. Only three holy kings can fight him. Of course, they couldn't compete with such a strong man. Their sword-holding hands were constantly shaking, and they couldn't even feel the slightest intention to fight.

The strong are respected - this is their reverence for the strong. It has been influenced by their ears and eyes since childhood, and it seems to have become an instinct, imprinted in the bone marrow.

Facing such a terrifying and powerful man, Gu Fenghua and others showed no awe at all. Not only did they take action, but they also took action so resolutely, so persistently, and so simply that there was not even the slightest hesitation in their eyes.

Could it be that this is what people usually say: newborn calves are not afraid of tigers? Young people are always more bloody and brave than old people.

However, no matter how fearless and bloody you are, you still have to see who your opponent is, right? So impulsive, so impulsive.

Lu Zhengting and others were so anxious that they wanted to jump. After hearing what Baili Changsheng said just now, they were obviously interested in talents. If they asked for good words, there might not be a chance of improvement. At worst, they would just give away the Yunchuan Sacred Tree. When he is in a good mood, he will let them live, and at the same time, he will also let the Yunchuan Sect live.

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