My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4605 4605 could have become famous all over the world

Of course they didn't know that the target that Gu Fenghua wanted to catch up with and surpass was not a holy king at all. What she yearns for is another cultivation plane that is many times more powerful than the Infinite Holy Heaven - the Supreme Heaven!

They wanted to dissuade him, but out of awe and because they really didn't know how to speak, they could only watch with fear as Gu Fenghua came to the dim flames and made a series of hand seals.

Even if Baili Changsheng is alive, it is not easy to seal the power of the Phoenix with this restriction, not to mention that Baili Changsheng is dead. Gu Fenghua only made more than ten hand seals before hearing a soft "click" sound, and the restriction was lifted. Break by force.

"Hoo!" The next moment, the flames were seen swaying upwards, swaying out a beautiful pattern of light, and vaguely taking on the shape of a phoenix divine bird again.

"Be careful!" This time the distance was closer. Lu Zhengting and others could more clearly feel the power of the ancient beast that looked down upon the world. At the same time, they felt the endless grief, anger and desolation, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, Gu Fenghua remained motionless, looking up at the huge phoenix silhouette, with mixed feelings in his heart, and his eyes became moist again.

The phantom of the phoenix floated in the air, condescending and motionless, looking down at Gu Fenghua for a long time.

The air seemed to freeze, and the entire world became deathly silent, as if everything in the world had surrendered to the majesty of the Phoenix divine bird.

Even Ye Yunji's tall figure seemed so small at this moment.

Lu Zhengting and others were trembling all over, unable to straighten up under the pressure. There was even confusion in their minds, and they were just about to prostrate themselves on the ground and worship.

Turning to look at Gu Fenghua with difficulty, several people were filled with helplessness: After finally killing Baili Changsheng, why don't you just accept it when you are ready? If you have to be greedy, Snake Tunxiang has the idea of ​​​​Phoenix Power, now it's okay, I can't even leave even if I want to.

They don't resent Gu Fenghua. The Yunchuan Sect was able to escape and they were able to save their lives thanks to Gu Fenghua's help. Just like giving this life to Gu Fenghua, they have no complaints, but they Gu Fenghua felt that it was not worth it. He could have become famous all over the world, or even become the strongest person in the history of Wuji Holy Heaven, but he wasted his life like this. What a loss, what a loss.

Lu Zhengting bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, forcing himself to regain consciousness, then gritted his teeth and made handprints with difficulty with trembling hands.

"Sir Sect Master, what are you going to do?" Noting his actions, the Supreme Elder was startled.

He could see that the set of hand seals created by the lord of the sect was called the Qi Jue Soul Burning Seal. It was passed down from ancient times and could temporarily increase the potential to the extreme, thereby greatly increasing the strength. However, the consequences were that the meridians in the whole body would burst and the body would die without a burial. place. It is said that in ancient times, many strong men used this set of hand seals to forcibly increase their strength and compete with the world-destroying purple dust at the cost of their lives.

"Miss Gu and Mr. Ye have saved our Yunchuan Sect. No matter what, we must let her leave alive." Lu Zhengting took a deep breath and said decisively.

"Sir, the sect leader is right. Even if we risk our lives, we cannot let the two of them live in our Yunchuan Sect." Several elders also said solemnly with trembling voices, and then used their trembling fingers to strike out Same handprint. There was no way, under the pressure of the powerful divine beast, it was difficult for them to circulate the holy energy, and it was even difficult for them to self-destruct, so they could only rely on this set of hand seals.

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