My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4614 4614 I hope you don’t dislike it

"Young Master Ye, Miss Gu, I originally thought that I could barely get hold of this Yunchuan Sacred Fruit, but now it seems that it may be difficult for you to win over me. But to be honest, our Yunchuan Sect only has This family background is quite decent, I hope you won't dislike it." Lu Zhengting said to Gu Fenghua.

As he spoke, his old face became slightly hot. I originally thought that this Yunchuan Sacred Fruit could be regarded as a rare treasure in the world. Even if it was not enough to repay Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji's great kindness, it could at least show their feelings. However, seeing their powerful strength again, I felt that it was just a mere gift. I really can’t get rid of a few Yunchuan Holy Fruits.

"Old Sect Master Lu is too modest. I have never heard of this Yunchuan Sacred Fruit, let alone seen it. I have the chance to taste it today, and I don't know how to thank you." Gu Fenghua saw Lu Zhengting's embarrassment and didn't want to Embarrassing him, he walked quickly towards the Yunchuan Sacred Tree.

In fact, Lu Zhengting was indeed underestimating himself. He had no idea that Baili Changsheng relied on this sacred tree of Yunchuan to gather his skeleton and give birth to half of his flesh and blood. If it weren't for the restraint of the Phoenix Power, he might have been able to survive. He successfully reshaped his true form.

Gu Fenghua possesses some memories of the remnant soul of the phoenix and knows all this very well, so naturally he will not underestimate the Holy Fruit of Yunchuan.

When they came to the tree, Gu Fenghua and others each picked a Yunchuan Sacred Fruit and fed it into their mouths as quickly as possible.

With just a slight bite, the sweet juice flowed down the throat, and a strange fragrance filled the mouth. An extremely pure spiritual power also penetrated the lungs and surged through the meridians of the body - not the medicinal power that Lu Zhengting said, but pure spiritual power. Power, but this spiritual power is different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and is somewhat similar to the power of medicine. However, Lu Zhengting was right about one thing. The spiritual power contained in the Yunchuan Sacred Fruit was indeed more than a hundred times stronger than the Blue Blood King Orchid Fruit, the Ice Fire Jade Heart Fruit, and the Heavenly Fragrance Jade Frost Fruit.

In just a moment, as the spiritual power circulated, the strength of Gu Fenghua and others improved significantly. Although the improvement is not large, don't forget that the weakest among them have reached the sixth level of Emperor Saint. If they practice normally, they may not feel any obvious improvement even if they stay in seclusion for a hundred years.

Gu Fenghua had never heard of such strange flowers and fruits in the world.

Soon, several people ate all the Yunchuan Holy Seed in their hands, and the remaining core was not wasted. Gu Fenghua quietly threw it into the Pure Land of Spiritual Heart. Today had brought too many surprises to Lu Zhengting and others, and she didn't want them to know the secret of the Pure Land of the Soul.

"There are a few left, you can eat them all." Lu Zhengting looked at the remaining Yunchuan Sacred Fruits on the tree and advised.

"No need, you should keep these for yourself." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

The Yunchuan Sacred Fruit is indeed a rare treasure in the world, and the pure spiritual power contained in it makes Gu Fenghua couldn't help but marvel at it. However, with their current strength, if they want to fully use this to improve their strength, If you advance to the first level, I'm afraid even a thousand more coins won't be enough, so you might as well leave it to the Yunchuan Sect to improve your strength.

Besides, Gu Fenghua has the Pure Land of Spiritual Heart and the fruit core. As long as he waits patiently, if he wants more Yunchuan Holy Fruit in the future, there is no need to waste it.

Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Lu Zhengting was even more impressed. Although he also knows that with the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, the Yunchuan Sacred Fruit is indeed not of great help to them, but at this level of cultivation, even a small improvement is difficult to reach the sky. It would be difficult to reach the sky if it were replaced by someone else. , who is willing to miss this great opportunity, only Gu Fenghua and others can be so open-minded.

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