"Brother Ye, are you saying that these strange flowers and fruits also come from the supreme heaven?" Luo Enen's eyes lit up, and he didn't care about getting angry with Fatty Bai, so he gathered his energy and asked excitedly.

"Yes, even in the Supreme Heaven, this green jade spiritual fruit is not too common. Baili Changsheng was injured like this. Not only is his vitality immortal, he can also reshape his true body. In addition to his extraordinary cultivation, he also has the same characteristics as this green jade spiritual fruit. It has a big relationship." Ye Yunji nodded and said.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others realize why he had to gather energy to transmit sounds and avoid Lu Zhengting and others.

The background of this Jade Taoist Spirit Fruit is so big that it would be fine if Lu Zhengting and others didn't know about it. If they knew about it, they would definitely have even more trouble sleeping and eating. It would be a pity to destroy it. After all, it is the foundation of Yunchuan's inheritance. Who would be willing to destroy it easily. But don't destroy it. If word spreads, the Yunchuan Sect may be wiped out soon. Under the scorching sun and the sorrow at night, several elderly people must be worried to death.

And as long as Ye Yunji didn't say anything, no one in Wuji Holy Heaven would know the true origin of the Jade Dao Spirit Fruit. The Yunchuan Sect would be much safer, and Lu Zhengting and others didn't have to worry too much about it.

"So, Fenghua has found a treasure this time." Luo Enen said happily.

She knew the secret of Gu Fenghua's spiritual pure land, and also knew that with those few fruit cores, Gu Fenghua could easily cultivate the Jade Dao Spirit Fruit.

"We found the treasure." Gu Fenghua corrected.

"Yes, yes, yes, we have found a treasure. Now we won't have to worry about having no money to spend even in the Supreme Heaven. We can buy whatever we want, eat whatever we want, ho ho... ho ho..." Luo. The eldest lady's eyes were shining with golden light, and she was smiling so hard that she could hardly close her mouth.

She wouldn't be polite to Gu Fenghua. Who made them friends? And friends, aren't they just for relying on? She, Miss Luo, can even say that she is just hanging out and waiting to die, not to mention just relying on her friends, there is no psychological burden at all.

Gu Fenghua and others shook their heads, speechless at Miss Luo's shamelessness.

Ahead, Lu Zhengting led several elders and distanced themselves from Lu Lingfeng. He noticed the energy fluctuations when Ye Yunji and others gathered energy to transmit sounds, and did not look back for a second.

It's not that they intentionally distanced themselves, but they knew that Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji and the others had too many secrets hidden in them, and they knew too much, which was definitely not a good thing for them, themselves, or the Yunchuan Sect.

It was not until they returned to the mountain gate that a group of disciples guarding the sect greeted them respectfully. They then stopped and waited for Ye Yunji and others to return to the sect together.

Suddenly, a figure flew through the air and rushed towards the Yunchuan Sect. Because the speed was so fast, the harsh howling sound of the wind could even be heard.

"Who is here? How dare you break into the restricted area of ​​our Yunchuan Sect!" Lu Zhengting raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly.

The man acted as if he hadn't heard anything, and continued to attack unabated.

Seeing this, the disciples who came to greet them all felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. They pulled out a long sword with a "choking" sound. Lu Zhengting and several elders also held down the hilt of the sword, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

"Don't do anything." Ye Yunji suddenly said, taking a few steps forward and coming to them.

Seeing Ye Yunji's figure from a distance, the visitor slowed down slightly, floated down, and bowed to Ye Yunji: "I pay my respects to you, young master."

Seeing Gu Fenghua and others behind him, he saluted again and said, "I've seen Miss Gu, Miss Luo, Mr. Jun, and Mr. Ye."

"Senior Xu, there is no need to be polite." Gu Fenghua said.

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