My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4619 4619Thanks to your generous helping hand

As Ye Yunji left, she felt a little empty in her heart. Since Lu Linfeng was fine and Lu Hansong and Teng Hongtu had been killed, there was no need for her to stay any longer.

"So urgent?" Lu Zhengting was stunned.

"Sister Gu, please stay here a little longer. You have helped us so much, and we haven't even had time to thank you properly." Lu Linfeng said reluctantly.

"I have something important to do, so I can't delay it any longer. I'll come see you when I'm free in the future." Gu Fenghua touched Lu Linfeng's head and said softly.

She was also quite reluctant to let go of Lu Linfeng, but the banquet in the world always came to an end, and she couldn't stay in the Yunchuan Sect forever. What's more, she was really busy, so she couldn't stay there forever.

In order to deal with Baili Changsheng, she used the Demonic Wood Cauldron again. However, after only resisting two attacks from the opponent, the demonic wood cauldron was covered with cracks. If Gui Yezi hadn't been hiding in it and trying his best to maintain it, the artifact alchemy furnace would have shattered on the spot.

There was no way, as her strength increased, the opponents she faced became stronger and stronger, and the Demonic Wood Cauldron became more and more difficult to use. Only by finding the Nine Heavens Chaos Stone as soon as possible and re-tempering the Demonic Wood Cauldron can it unleash its true power.

More importantly, only in this way can the hidden space inside the Demonic Wood Cauldron be opened and Gui Zhizi, who is imprisoned in it, can be rescued. Otherwise, if he continues like this, sooner or later he will be killed by the Demonic Wood Cauldron, or rather by himself.

Hearing what she said, Lu Linfeng couldn't hold on anymore. Indeed, because of him, Gu Fenghua had been delayed in the Yunchuan Sect for too long, and he didn't want her to miss her business.

"Let's do this. You guys stay one night first, and I'll make some preparations. I'll start the formation tomorrow and send you to Guzhou City." Lu Zhengting thought for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​persuading, and said to Gu Fenghua.

At dawn, the warm sunshine shines on the earth, and the glazed tiles on the main hall of the Yunchuan Sect reflect a strange light. In the main hall, runes flicker, and the ancient teleportation formation appears in front of you again.

"Old Sect Leader Lu, elders, thank you for your hard work." Gu Fenghua said gratefully to Lu Zhengting and the elders.

Yesterday, Lu Zhengting said that he needed to prepare, but she didn't pay attention. Who knew that several people had been preparing for the whole night. That is to say, as the night passed, several people looked haggard, their eye sockets were sunken, and their appearance had aged by more than ten years.

If she had known that opening the formation was so difficult, she would have rushed to help, so why would she have made it so difficult for them.

"Feng Hua is out of touch when he says this. You have helped our Yunchuan Sect so much, and we don't even know how to repay you. Doing such a small thing means nothing." Lu Zhengting said seriously.

"That's right, Miss Gu. Our Yunchuan Sect is safe and sound thanks to your generous help. Don't you think that's embarrassing us?" Several elders from various houses of the Lu family and more than a dozen middle-aged men with calm faces The men also said in unison.

Gu Fenghua and his entourage left. Logically speaking, all the disciples of the sect should come to see them off. However, it was not appropriate to let too many people know about the teleportation of the ancient formation, so as not to accidentally cause another disaster, so Lu Zhengting discussed it with several elders, and finally Only the elders and second-generation core disciples of the Lu family were allowed to come.

After experiencing Lu Hansong's turmoil, everyone was grateful to Gu Fenghua, and tears filled their eyes when he mentioned it.

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