My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4621 4621Now the truth is revealed

"Lin Feng, remember one thing. From now on, you will no longer owe anyone anything. No matter what you do, as long as you are worthy of heaven and earth and your conscience." Gu Fenghua also said to Lu Linfeng.

She had known for a long time that Lu Linfeng had become so withdrawn and indifferent in the past, shutting out everyone thousands of miles away, because he had too much guilt in his heart, for his grandfather, his mother, and for Lu Linshan.

Now that the truth has been revealed, his temperament has changed a lot, but Gu Fenghua is still worried that he will not be able to fully open his mind. If he still feels guilty, sooner or later he will become a demon and become the biggest obstacle to his cultivation.

"Yes." Lu Linfeng nodded vigorously.

Gu Fenghua looked at him deeply, showed an encouraging smile, and then led Luo Enen and others onto the ancient teleportation formation.

A strange light flashed before his eyes, and the figures of several people disappeared.

Looking at the direction in which they disappeared, tears finally burst out of Lu Linfeng's eyes: Who said he didn't owe anyone, the one he owed the most was Gu Fenghua...

In the vast wilderness, the mountains are undulating like waves. Among the mountains, a blue-grey stone mountain stands proudly and independently like a flock of chickens, towering into the clouds, giving people a strong sense of solemnity.

A middle-aged man with a cold face stood on the top of the peak, looking down, as if he was stepping forward with one step, but he was stepping on the mountains under his feet.

Not far away, there is an ancient and solemn sect hall. The cold mountain wind whizzes past the door of the hall, making the glazed tiles on the roof rustle. However, the two sect disciples guarding the door are... At every turn, if you don’t look carefully, you might think they are two stone sculptures.

"Is there no news about the great elder yet?" The middle-aged man asked after standing in front of the cliff for who knows how long.

"Replying to the sect master, not yet." A disciple replied cautiously.

It has been more than twenty years since the elder last traveled. Although it is not surprising that with his seventh-level cultivation as an Emperor Saint, it is not surprising that he has been in seclusion for hundreds of years, but even if he is in seclusion, news will come back from time to time. However, in the past twenty years, there has been no news from the Great Elder. Any news is sent back.

Did something happen to his old man? Thinking of this, the two disciples felt uneasy.

You must know that the great elder of Zhan Xin Sect is able to have the prestige it has today. Many sects have surrendered to their Zhan Xin Sect because of the reputation of the great elder. Even the sect leader can hold this position thanks to it. Thanks to the great elder’s help. After all, the sect leader had a strange life experience and was once regarded by everyone as the shame of the Zhanxin Sect. Without the support of the great elder, no matter how much the previous sect leader valued him, he would not be able to secure his position as the sect leader.

If the great elder has some shortcomings, not to mention those sects that originally surrendered to the Zhanxin Sect will be half-hearted, even within the Zhanxin Sect, people may be panicked.

The master of the sect is obviously worried about this. There has been no news about the great elder. The smile on his face is getting less and less, and his expression is getting more and more stern. All the disciples are silent when they see him, and they dare not show any anger. One mouthful.

"Not yet..." Wen Longyuan frowned, with a hint of irritation in his eyes.

Yes, this middle-aged man is the leader of Zhanxin Sect, Wen Longyuan.

Outsiders thought that he was worried about the safety of the great elder, but no one knew that he was actually worried about his biological father.

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