My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4623 4623 This matter is a bit strange

The two disciples looked at each other, even a little doubtful whether the news was true or false.

"Sir, Sect Master, this matter is a little strange, but seeing is believing." Seeing Wen Longyuan's face turned pale, one of them boldly stepped forward and said.

Wen Longyuan nodded and walked towards the back mountain without saying a word.

Deep in the back mountain, an ancient ancestral hall stands in the cold wind. The howling wind makes it feel even more lonely and desolate.

The three old men stood at the door of the ancestral hall with anxious faces. When they saw Wen Longyuan approaching, they hurried forward to greet him.

"Sir Sect Leader, the great elder's soul card is broken, I don't know if it's because of..." one of them said.

Wen Longyuan waved his hand with a gloomy face, indicating that he didn't need to say more, and strode into the ancestral hall.

There are several rows of stone shelves placed in the middle of the ancestral hall. On them are the spiritual tablets of the predecessors of the Zhanxin Sect. At the bottom of the spiritual tablets are several jade talismans with crystal clear and strange light flowing around them. Looking carefully, the middle one was broken and turned into a pile of dull jade fragments.

There is no doubt that this is the natal soul card of the great elder Teng Hongtu. Looking at the pile of broken jade, Wen Longyuan stumbled, and a layer of tears instantly appeared in his eyes.

"Sir Sect Leader, don't worry too much. Maybe the jade used in this destiny soul tablet is of poor quality and broke on its own. It's not as bad as we thought." An old man said comfortingly.

"Yes, with the strength of the Great Elder, even if he is in danger, he will not die easily. Maybe the news will come back after a while. We just have to wait patiently." Another old man also advised.

"You don't need to say any more. The great elder has already encountered an unexpected situation. There is no need to wait any longer." Wen Longyuan said sadly.

Several old men fell silent when they heard this, and their expressions were also sad.

As elders of the Zhanxin Sect, they actually know that since the natal soul tablet can be made, there is no such thing as a bad jade quality. Now that the soul tablet is broken, there is only one reason - Teng Hongtu's soul is gone and he is no longer alive. The previous words were purely to comfort Wen Longyuan, or to comfort himself.

"With the strength of the Great Elder, how could something unexpected happen?" After a long time, the Second Elder frowned and said.

"It's unlikely that he went crazy. Could it be that he accidentally offended someone?" the third elder guessed.

Although there may not be anyone stronger than Teng Hongtu in other Holy Sects, he is not that much stronger. It is not that easy to kill him. Even if he cannot be beaten, won't he run away? Besides, how many sects from the same Holy Sect dare to form a deadly feud with the Zhanxin Sect?

After thinking about it, except for Jun Shi, I am afraid that no one can kill Teng Hongtu. As for the Holy Lord... No matter how arrogant Teng Hongtu is, it is impossible to provoke the Lord Shengjun. If he doesn't even have this kind of brain, he will not be able to become the leader of the five elders of the Zhanxin Sect.

"It doesn't make sense. The First Elder is cautious, how could he offend Lord Junshi for no reason?" said the Fourth Elder, shaking his head.

With Teng Hongtu's strength, it would be foolish to offend the Holy Lord, and it would also be foolish to offend the envoy. How could he be so stupid?

"No need to guess." Wen Longyuan tried his best to suppress the grief in his heart and slowly made his hand seals.

"Sir Sect Master..." Several elders were shocked when they saw this.

The hand seal that Wen Longyuan performed at this time is called Soul Fixing Technique. It sounds simple, but it is an ancient magical technique secretly passed down by the sect. It can use the power of the holy soul that Teng Hongtu left in the natal soul tablet to retrieve him from the world. to find out the truth behind his death.

However, this secret technique requires extremely high levels of cultivation. Regardless of whether the sect leader can succeed, even if he succeeds, his vitality will be severely damaged, and his life will be in danger.

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