My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4627 4627 is similar to a hen that can lay golden eggs

"Sir, please rest assured, I will personally arrange this matter." Of course, the second elder also knew how rare an opportunity it was for the Zhanxin Sect to form an alliance with the Jade Cauldron Sect, so how could he dare to neglect it in the slightest.

"Also, as soon as there is news about that person, let me know immediately. I want to see who dares to ignore Zhan Xin Sect like this." Wen Longyuan warned again with a cold face, murderous intent in his eyes. It flashed by.

Guzhou City is the second largest city in the Lingji Region. The first largest city is Beiyuan City, the real destination of Gu Fenghua and others' trip. However, because Beiyuan City is its own entity and is not under the jurisdiction of the Holy Lord Lingji and the six great monarchs of the Lingji Domain, strictly speaking, Guzhou City is the largest city in the Lingji Domain.

The ancient and wide avenue passes through the city. Every stone slab and brick has been eroded by wind and rain and bears the traces of time. The city is bustling with traffic and pedestrians speaking with various accents. Shops line both sides of the avenue, with a wide variety of goods. Under the steps in front of the shop, there are many stalls. The merchants and vendors are shouting loudly, selling martial arts, sword skills, elixirs, magic weapons, or exotic flowers and herbs, specialties from various places.

The entire Beiyuan City is like a huge market, bustling and lively, but orderly.

Luo Enen looked around, dizzy. With her temperament, when she came to such a prosperous city, her legs would be filled with lead and she would be unable to walk. At this time, she was forcibly dragged by Gu Fenghua, and she moved forward with difficulty, turning back every step. Of course, with her temperament, if Gu Fenghua hadn't dragged her along, she would have been tricked to death countless times.

"Master Liu, where is the Flying Boat across the Clouds that you mentioned?" Luo Enen finally looked away from a stall selling cakes and snacks, sniffed hard, savored the alluring aroma, and asked Liu San Absolute way.

I don’t know if it’s because survival is too difficult. People in the Lingji Realm understand the value of life better and pay more attention to enjoyment. When she was in the Yunchuan Sect, she found that their cooking skills were very good, even compared to Bai Bai. There is still a big gap between Fatty, but the food he makes is also delicious and delicious, which is much better than his two extreme realms. The pastries I saw just now are so fragrant and beautiful in appearance that you can’t help but move your fingers.

"It's not far. Let's go and make a reservation first. If we're not in a hurry, we can still stroll around the city." Liu Sanjue said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Luo Enen immediately quickened his pace.

After passing through several streets, a huge square appeared in front of us. Dozens of Saint Masters were guarding the surrounding area with long swords hanging from their waists. A cloud-crossing flying boat was parked in the middle.

Different from the cloud-crossing flying boat that Gu Fenghua and others had ridden before, this one was slightly smaller, but more solid, like a mobile fortress made of fine gold and mithril.

Seeing someone approaching, the guards in front clenched their swords and showed signs of alertness.

There are only a few such cloud-crossing flying boats in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven. Whoever owns one is equivalent to owning a hen that can lay golden eggs. At the same time, it will attract the envy and jealousy of countless people, and this envy and jealousy has reached the point of To a certain extent, it turns into hatred. There is no guarantee that no one will be bold enough to do evil in secret, so we need to be careful and guard against it.

"We are going to Beiyuan City. I wonder if there are any vacancies on the ship?" Liu San did not want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so he took the initiative to say to the row of guards blocking the way.

"Are you going to Beiyuan City?" The leading young guard, who was tall and thin with thin cheeks, looked at Gu Fenghua and the others, and then his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked.

"Not bad." Liu Sanjue said.

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