My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4633 4633 Being loved so much by him

"Kill, kill, kill them for me. Leave him and the fat white man alone, and kill everyone else." Feeling the burning pain on his face, Zhu Tongguang became completely angry and let out a hysterical roar. I have to admit that this man is true, but he is a passionate person. Even now, he is still reluctant to kill Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai.

It's a pity that Luo Hua was so ruthless and loved so much by him, but Ye Wuse and Bai Fatty had black lines on their foreheads, and the veins on both sides of their foreheads were so angry that they were pulsing.

The guards were also shocked by Zhu Tongguang's expert, and were sweating violently. However, looking at Gu Fenghua and the others, they did not dare to take another step forward.

Zhu Tongguang was so angry that he didn't think much about it. He only focused on revenge. They would have been much calmer.

There is no need to mention those two guards. Although the cultivation level of the Eighth Grade Tiansheng cannot be called weak, they are far from strong. Just slap them away, don't be too nervous. But Zhu Tongguang is different. He is a strong person of the second level of Emperor Saint. No matter which one of the three extreme realms he is placed in, he is definitely among the truly strong ones.

However, with such strength, she was so vulnerable in front of that girl. She was slapped in the face and was sent spinning and staggering back, completely unable to parry. What kind of cultivation level did she have?

"What are you still doing? Kill, kill, kill them!" Zhu Tongguang was even more angry when he saw that his guards didn't take action.

"Master Steward, I'm afraid these people have some backgrounds. Why don't you report it to the President first and let him make the decision." A guard looked at Gu Fenghua and others warily and reminded them in a low voice.

After seeing Luo Enen's shocking slap in the face, how could they dare to look down upon him in the slightest.

Although the people in front of them are dressed normally, they have such strength at such a young age. How could they be from a small sect? They don't want to get into trouble.

"Okay, okay, if you don't do it, I'll do it myself!" Zhu Tongguang was already mad and had no time to listen to what he said. He pulled out his sword and charged towards Gu Fenghua and others with an angry roar.

"Stop!" At this moment, a loud shout sounded from the Yundu Feizhou.

The person who spoke was an old man with white hair as white as snow. He didn't know how old he was. He had a chubby round face and a red smile. Even though he was glaring at Zhu Tongguang with a stern look on his face, They all seemed to be smiling a bit.

"Uncle!" Zhu Tongguang paused, subconsciously stopped, and looked at the chubby old man with awe.

"I said stop." The fat old man looked at the sword in his hand and repeated.

"But they..." Zhu Tongguang looked unwilling and wanted to argue, but saw his eyes becoming more and more severe. In the end, he had to lower his head and return the sword to the scabbard honestly.

The fat old man withdrew his stern gaze, floated down from the flying boat, and came to Gu Fenghua and others.

"Uncle, these people are sneaky and they are probably plotting something against our flying boat flying across the clouds. I just asked a few questions and they beat me up. By the way, they even injured two guards. Uncle, you must not take it lightly. Spare them." Zhu Tongguang then stepped forward timidly, using his sharp tongue to complain first, and he poured dirty water on Gu Fenghua and others.

"Shut up." The fat old man glanced at him and yelled again.

Zhu Tongguang was obviously very afraid of him. Hearing this scolding, his whole body was shocked. His lips moved, but he did not dare to say a word more. Stand honestly in his position, look as obedient as possible, be honest and strong.

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