My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4644 4644 Brat, I was killed by you

"We will set off tomorrow. You should practice hard in the past few months and learn to handle some chamber of commerce affairs when you are free. When I am no longer here, this chamber of commerce will eventually be handed over to you, so learn it earlier. It will be easy to take over in the future." Seeing that he did not underestimate Gu Fenghua because of his comfort, at least he did not shout for revenge in front of him, and finally had some awe, Zhu Sifang was even more pleased and said seriously.

"Yeah, I understand." Zhu Tongguang was good at eating, drinking and having fun, but when he heard that he was asked to handle the affairs of the chamber of commerce, he became dizzy and said with a grimace.

"Also, you need to change your bad habits. I'm still waiting for you to carry on the Zhu family's ancestral lineage, but you put all your thoughts on...use...sigh." It's rare to have such an opportunity to teach your nephew well. Son, Zhu Sifang simply said what he wanted to say in one breath, but when he said it later, he looked embarrassed and couldn't say it.

The Wind of Broken Sleeves was not a glorious thing in today's Wuji Holy Heaven. He felt embarrassed even talking about it, and he could only sigh secretly: Not to mention the amazing financial resources of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, just talking about the flying boat across the clouds, it was enough Zhu Tongguang had no worries about food and clothing and enjoyed endless wealth and glory. With such a family background, he couldn't find any good woman, but why did he just like men? The family is unfortunate!

"Actually, I just fell in love with that Ye Wuse at first sight. I just wanted to invite him to have a few drinks and discuss the holy magic and magic. I have no other meaning." In front of his uncle, Zhu Tongguang certainly couldn't be as unscrupulous as he was in front of outsiders. , explained with a concealed face. After he finished speaking, he added, "By the way, uncle, you have also been friends with that Liu Sanjue god for a long time, and you want to invite him to have a few drinks. You and I are actually the same."

"Fart, do you really think I don't know anything? How could I be like you...ugh!" Seeing that he still dared to quibble and drag himself into it, Zhu Tongguang finally cursed angrily. But after he finished scolding, he was suddenly stunned again.

"Oh, brat, I was killed by you, and my reputation in this life will be ruined in your hands." After being stunned for a while, he slapped his forehead heavily and screamed at the top of his lungs.

Understood, he finally understood why Liu Sanjue was as afraid of him as a snake and scorpion, and Gu Fenghua and others also shunned him, and they dared to regard him as Duan Xiu.

Recalling their strange looks, President Zhu felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were millions of ants crawling around. If possible, he really wanted to hold their hands and shout to them three times with all his strength: "I am not Duanxiu, I am not Duanxiu, I am not Duanxiu..."

Unfortunately, at this time, Gu Fenghua and others had already fled to a small alley dozens of streets away under the leadership of Liu Sanjue. Even if Zhu Sifang shouted at the top of his lungs, he would not be able to hear a single word.

"Okay, okay, don't run away, I have no strength." Luo Enen sat down on the steps and panted and shouted to Liu Sanjue in front.

In just one breath, he ran through dozens of long streets and passed through most of Guzhou City. Even a strong man of the sixth level of Emperor Saint would not feel comfortable.

"Then take a rest and come back to me later. If you can't find me, go to Duyun Feizhou and meet me tomorrow." Liu Sanjue slowed down, his face flushed and he was breathing heavily, but he obviously had no intention of stopping. While speaking, he did not forget to look back like a thief.

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