My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4646 4646 Wait until the handsome man finishes vomiting.

"It's getting late, how about we find a place to stay first?" Liu Sanjue was also disgusted and said impatiently.

But Miss Luo cannot be allowed to continue talking, otherwise she will be disgusted to death.

"Wait, wait until the beautiful man has finished vomiting." Gu Linghua said considerately.

As soon as she finished saying this, her eyes suddenly froze and she looked up out of the alley.

Luo Enen and Ye Wuse also looked surprised and turned to look at the same time. Even Fatty Bai stopped vomiting and looked up in the same direction.

Just now, a rough and vast beast roar suddenly came to mind in the minds of several people. It shook people's souls and seemed to evoke the deepest fear hidden in their hearts. At the same time, a mysterious aura surged in the air around them. machine.

Monster soul, they can be sure that the beast roar that resounds in their minds comes from the soul of the monster beast. And this soul is so powerful, with the strength of their sixth and seventh grade Emperor Saint, their hearts and minds are trembling with fear. They can be sure that even if it is not a divine beast, this monster is by no means weaker than the legendary twelve ancient ferocious beasts.

"What's going on?" Liu Sanjue's strength was far inferior to that of Gu Fenghua and others. Although he vaguely noticed a trace of Qi fluctuations, he couldn't tell what it was. He noticed the surprise on the faces of Gu Fenghua and others. Color, asked in confusion.

"Monster soul." Gu Fenghua answered briefly, moved his feet, and rushed out of the alley.

She has obtained the fifth phoenix power, but because the phoenix power was severely damaged when it was torn apart, and Wuji Shengtian has been greatly lacking in spiritual energy since the world-destroying disaster, she can only rely on the power of other monsters. Only with the spiritual power of the divine soul can it be refined.

This monster soul is so powerful, it is perfect for helping to refine the power of the Phoenix!

Luo Enen and others also knew how important such monster souls were to Gu Fenghua refining the power of the phoenix, so they followed them regardless of their disgust - of course, the ones who were disgusted were only Ye Wuse and Bai Fatty, Miss Luo I don't find it disgusting at all.

Outside the alley is a main street, which can accommodate four carriages driving side by side. However, the street is crowded with people at this time, but it is even more lively than when they first entered the city.

Gu Fenghua wanted to find the spirit of the monster beast, but he didn't care much. He circulated the holy energy, squeezed a passage through the crowd, and quickly chased in the direction from which the energy came.

The crowd was swaying around, and some of the bad-tempered ones were about to curse, but when they saw a figure flashing in front of them too fast to be caught by the naked eye, they wisely shut up.

Guzhou City is the largest city in the Lingji Region. Not to mention the powerful sects from the south and the north, the city itself is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Although the strong have their own magnanimity and generally maintain their own identity and will not bully the weak and ruin their reputation, if someone dares to be disrespectful to them, others will not be polite to you. If you are not careful, you may get killed.

Gu Fenghua originally thought that with his powerful spiritual thoughts, it would be easy to find the origin of the demonic beast's soul, but he didn't know that not far after he chased it, the energy suddenly disappeared. Even though she tried her best to gather her thoughts and search around her again and again, she found nothing, as if the qi machine had never appeared and it was all just their illusion.

In desperation, she could only stop, avoid the crowd, and stand on the edge of the roadside. With the last glimmer of hope, she concentrated her mind to investigate carefully. Unfortunately, the result was still in vain.

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