My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4665 4665 It’s better to hire someone else

After all, everyone who is qualified to participate in the Yunhe auction has a lot of background. If there is a situation in the auction that shoddy products are passed off, or the best rare treasures are auctioned off as ordinary things, it will have a great impact on the tens of thousands of years of reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. These are all huge blows.

Fortunately, these masters have real talents and have never let them down for many years, but today, something unexpected happened. When several people were appraising the treasure, they didn't know who accidentally opened a seal and released an extremely powerful demonic spirit. Although the seal quickly closed on its own, they could feel it clearly. Even the few powerful men who entered the auction house early were vaguely aware of it.

As the elders of Yunhe Chamber of Commerce and well-known treasure appraisers, they certainly know that no matter what magic weapon it is, as long as it has such a demonic spirit, its value will increase at least ten times. If the auction is carried out in a daze, and the secret is discovered in the future, the reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce will be completely ruined.

I originally thought that the magic weapon containing the spirit of the demon spirit must be one of the three of them, but after another appraisal, they found nothing. After repeated attempts, all with the same result, several people suddenly thought of a possibility. Maybe they had not completely broken the seal at that time, and the remaining part was actually broken open by the demon spirit's energy. . This also means that the magic weapon containing the spirit of the demon spirit is not in their hands, but has been identified previously.

In desperation, several people could only appraise the previously appraised magic weapon from beginning to end. You must know that the auction is about to begin and most of the lots have been appraised. It would be so tedious and hard to do it all over again. But for the reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, and also for their own reputation, they had no other choice.

But things went against expectations. Several people tried their best to identify it several times, but still found nothing.

Chi Yunting just stayed in the secret room and followed the progress of the matter, so he knew nothing about what was going on outside. He originally hoped that when he came back, the masters would be able to find the magic weapon, but in the end, he was still disappointed.

"Okay, let's try again." Several masters knew that the matter was of great importance and did not dare to delay. They concentrated their thoughts again and made a series of hand seals towards the magic weapon in front.

"Poof!" Suddenly, the three of them spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their faces instantly turned pale, and their bodies were shaky.

Chi Yunting and the two guards who followed were shocked. They quickly stepped forward to support a few people. While slowly injecting holy energy into their meridians, they took out the holy pill and gave it to them.

"Elder Chi, there is really nothing we can do. Otherwise, we should hire someone else." Master Shen regained his breath and said to Chi Yunting with a frustrated look on his face.

As long as there is some way, he will not say such words that are detrimental to his own face. If word spread, wouldn't it be a slap in his face? But now, he really has no choice at all. It's better to be slapped in the face than to have your whole reputation ruined.

"Sir Elder, I'm afraid it will be too late if we find someone else." A guard looked at the time and saw that there was less than half a quarter of an hour before the auction started, so he reminded Chi Yunting.

Chi Yunting smiled bitterly, not to mention it was too late, even if it was too late, where would he go to find a treasure appraiser who was stronger than the masters in front of him?

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