My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4667 4667 This couple of bitches

However, he knew that Pu Jiaojiao and the other guards did not like him, and they were afraid that if Gu Fenghua and others came to trouble him again, they would pretend to be deaf and mute. It was not until Pu Jiaojiao, the backbone, came back that they woke up "at the right time".

"Brother Xu, are you awake? Are you okay?" Pu Jiaojiao hugged Dongmen Xu with a look of surprise and asked worriedly.

"My chest hurts so much, Sister Jiaojiao, you must help me avenge my bloodshed." Dongmen Xu snuggled into her arms, his eyes red and tears rolling down his face, and he said miserably. The way he begged for comfort and caress was like a child that had not yet been weaned.

Uh... The stomachs of several guards twitched violently at the same time, and they almost retched.

Although they had been seriously injured by Gu Fenghua and others just now, at this moment, they could not feel any hatred towards them, and even understood deeply what they had done: This pair of bitches were really disgusting to death. Are they willing to do so? If it weren't for their status, they would all want to rush up and give them a few slaps in the face to relieve the bad breath in their chests.

Several of the guards were disgusted to death, but Pu Jiaojiao and Dongmen Xu were content as if no one else was watching.

"Brother Xu, don't worry, I will definitely help you get revenge!" Pu Jiaojiao hugged Dongmen Xu tightly in her arms, kissed him on the face, and then looked at the box where Gu Fenghua and others were. He said with a hateful face. Not only does she want to avenge Dongmen Xu, but she also wants to avenge herself!

Without saying much, Pu Jiaojiao called over to several guards and gathered her energy to convey a few instructions.

"Yes, miss, I'll go right away." One of the guards nodded quickly, and then left the auction house as quickly as possible.

After the guard left, Dongmen Xu looked out of Pu Jiaojiao's arms and looked in all directions of Gu Fenghua and others, with a sneer on his lips.

Although he couldn't hear Pu Jiaojiao's orders through the voice transmission, he didn't have to guess that she must have sent someone out to spread the word and gather manpower. If Gu Fenghua and others had been smarter and left early, it would have been difficult to find them in the huge crowd, but they were so stupid that they refused to leave. Looking at this, they really didn't take Pu Jiaojiao seriously. Do they really think that the eldest daughter of the Pu family is so easy to bully? Being so arrogant means you deserve to die!

"Dang!" Dongmen Xuzheng cursed secretly, with a sound of gong, Chi Yunting stepped onto the auction stage.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. The time has come. I announce that this auction has begun." Chi Yunting said loudly.

Originally, before every auction started, as the host, he should greet the guests with a few words of politeness, but today because of the power of the beast spirit, he was uneasy and couldn't bring himself to be interested. Anyway, most of the people who came were acquaintances, and the rules of the auction were similar, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense.

"Haha, after waiting for a year, I finally waited for this auction. I don't know what other rare treasures the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce has collected. Elder Chi should hurry up and bring them out to open our eyes." An old man in the audience. Hehe laughed.

"I have prepared all the money. Elder Chi, please don't let me down." Another old man also said jokingly.

"Yes, yes, if you have any amazing treasures, please bring them out for us to see." Others also followed suit.

They came to this auction not to listen to nonsense, but they preferred Chi Yunting to simply get to the point.

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