My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4674 4674 Damn girl, you tricked me!

Four hundred thousand high-grade Holy Spirit Stones cannot be bought for any good sword. Even if you ask those weapon masters to customize a holy sword, I'm afraid it won't cost so much, right? This is not just a case of water in the brain, it is clearly a case of being kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Damn girl, you tricked me!" The more Pu Jiaojiao thought about it, the angrier she became. She rushed out of the box and yelled angrily at Luo Enen.

"What's wrong with you? If you don't believe me, bite me if you don't believe me." Luo Enen said with disdain.

To be honest, she didn't really think about cheating Pu Jiaojiao at first, but the two kept raising the price and unknowingly dug a big hole. Pu Jiaojiao had never had this kind of experience before, so she didn't notice it at all, while Luo Enen had been tricked countless times since she was a child. She had already accumulated rich experience in jumping into pits, and she soon realized that something was wrong. At the critical moment, Miss Luo was so blessed that she seemed to be possessed by countless deceitful gods. She easily pushed Pu Jiaojiao into the pit with just a few words.

Of course, she would not say these words. For the first time in her life, she was not cheated by anyone, but instead cheated others. Of course, she had to show off and make Pu Jiaojiao angry.

Dare you say I have no breasts or ass, I deserve it! What does it mean to be punished and what does small belly chicken intestines mean? Until now, Miss Luo is still bitter about Pu Jiaojiao's groundless slander.

Pu Jiaojiao was so angry that her whole body was trembling and her makeup was flying, but she really didn't have the courage to pounce on Luo Enen and bite her twice. She just stared at her, wishing to cut her to death with his eyes.

Of course, the gaze cannot kill. Luo Enen was not afraid and looked at her with wide round eyes. When it comes to breasts and butt, she really can't compare to others, but when it comes to eyes, she's not afraid of Pu Jiaojiao.

Seeing the two of them staring like cockfighting cocks, everyone in the room was secretly amused. But for fear of accidentally igniting the powder keg, no one said anything. Only women and villains are difficult to raise, and Pu Jiaojiao can take care of both of them. They don't want to get into trouble for no reason.

As a result, the huge auction hall fell into silence again.

"Congratulations to Miss Pu, for purchasing this Wu Shuang Sword, which was personally refined by Master Wu Qiuyang and Wu at the price of 400,000 high-grade Holy Spirit Stones!" After a short silence, Chi Yunting announced in a very contagious voice with an excited face, and Again emphasizing the origin of Wu Shuangjian, it seems that Pu Jiaojiao took an advantage by taking the picture of Wu Shuangjian at such a price.

But in my heart, I was about to laugh out loud. Four hundred thousand high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. I'm afraid even Wu Qiuyang himself didn't expect that Wu Linjian could fetch such a sky-high price! The first auction achieved such a good result, and his originally sad mood became much brighter.

"Wait a minute, it seems the auction isn't over yet. Maybe someone else is going to raise the price?" Pu Jiaojiao said with a look of urgency, not caring about being jealous of Luo Enen.

She regretted it, really regretted it, so much that her intestines were almost green. After calming down, she also knew that if this Wu Shuang Sword could fetch 100,000 high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, it would already be worth a sky-high price. Even if Wu Qiuyang became famous all over the world in the future, and this sword would get some light, it would only fetch more than 100,000 or 200,000 at most. , how could it possibly be worth four hundred thousand.

Although she usually doesn't pay much attention to money, but in normal times, now, she usually spends small amounts of money, but now it's tens of thousands. Suddenly she spends an extra two to three hundred thousand high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and she It's the same physical pain.

Chi Yunting looked at Pu Jiaojiao with a strange look: You have already raised Wu Shuangjian's bidding price to 400,000, how could anyone increase the price? You think everyone else is like you, and your brain has been kicked by a donkey.

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