My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4696 What happened to 4696, no money?

"Miss!" The guard looked at Pu Jiaojiao anxiously, almost crying.

Forget about him, even the other people in the hall were speechless.

It's so similar. The situation at this time is so similar to the first scene where Pu Jiaojiao and Luo Enen competed for Wu Shuangjian. Could it be that Aunt Pu has such a short memory or is addicted to jumping?

"Hmph, doesn't she want this Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map? I won't let her get her wish. Isn't it just hundreds of thousands of Holy Spirit Stones? I can afford it." Pu Jiaojiao didn't seem to notice the expressions on other people's faces. He looked surprised and said angrily, his chest rising and falling rapidly due to excitement.

Seeing this, she really hated Gu Fenghua and wanted to force her to surrender at all costs.

Gu Fenghua frowned and looked at Pu Jiaojiao, but suspicion gradually grew in his heart.

Although this Aunt Pu doesn't seem very smart, she is by no means a forgetful person. Her vengeful temper is probably comparable to that of Luo Enen. How could she forget the previous lessons so quickly? Isn't she afraid that if she stops now, she will be pushed into the pit like Luo Enen?

Could it be that she knew that she was determined to win the Bahuang Demon Suppression Map, so she was so persistent? But how did she know this?

Even Gu Fenghua didn't notice that when he said this, a sly and sinister sneer flashed in Pu Jiaojiao's eyes.

"What's wrong, no money? I thought you were great, but it turns out it's just that." Pu Jiaojiao said with another sarcastic sneer, not allowing Gu Fenghua to think too much.

These words sounded harsh, and they were exactly the words Luo Enen used to ridicule her before.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand!" Gu Fenghua didn't bother to think too much and added another fifty thousand.

"Okay, okay, I want to see how long you can hold on. I have to remind you that Yunhe Auction is different from other auctions. If you can't get the money after the auction, no matter what the origin, No one else will spare you lightly. Come on, apologize to sister, say a few nice words, and she will let you go." Pu Jiaojiao said to Gu Fenghua with a smile that looked like she deserved a beating.

"Thank you Sister Pu. Oh no, thank you Aunt Pu for your concern. But I don't need to worry about my affairs. You should worry about yourself when you have time." Gu Fenghua didn't bother to talk nonsense to her and retorted with disdain. .

Aunt Pu! These three words were a deadly weapon for Pu Jiaojiao. Her face turned dark instantly, she clenched her fists, her body began to tremble violently, and the makeup on her face flew away again.

It’s been so long and it’s still not all gone. I wonder how thick the makeup is on her face? Also, isn't she tired from walking around the market with such a thick face of makeup? How strong and strong her neck must be! Seeing such a scene, several old men who suffered from cervical spine discomfort due to long years of bending over their desks to study ancient books were deeply envious.

"Six hundred thousand!" Gu Fenghua hit her again. Aunt Pu was no longer interested in trying to talk to her and yelled with a dark face.

"Six hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Seven hundred thousand!"

Pu Jiaojiao was completely aroused by Gu Fenghua's words "Aunt Pu", and Gu Fenghua was also aroused by her persistence. The two people's bids became higher and higher, and the expressions on their faces became more and more intense. He was getting more and more excited, as if he had lost his mind. He just wanted to crush the other party and force the other party to give up, so that he could let go of the bad breath in his chest.

"Nine hundred and fifty thousand!" When Gu Fenghua spoke again, the entire auction house was silent, with only the sounds of gasps from everyone intertwined.

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