My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4703 4703 Make them excited in vain

Something's wrong, something's wrong! Pu Jiaojiao felt strong uneasiness in her heart, and finally realized that she had overestimated herself, and at the same time underestimated the Bahuang Demon Suppression Map.

If you had known this earlier, why would you have made a bet with Gu Fenghua? I originally thought I could trick her to death, but isn't this just shooting myself in the foot? Pu Jiaojiao regretted it, but it was obviously too late to regret it at this time.

She could only make the last hand seal with all her strength while continuing to jump up and down and shout: "Seal, seal, seal it for me!"

Unfortunately, this is a time to test the strength of the weapon. It is not louder than the voice, let alone a master of jumping. The scroll remains motionless.

"Aunt Pu, please stop shouting, it's useless even if you shout at the top of your lungs." Luo Enen was completely relieved and said jokingly.

The holy energy was consumed rapidly, and Pu Jiaojiao finally stopped. However, she had no intention of arguing with Luo Enen, and just stared blankly at the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map.

"It's over now. If it doesn't work, just step aside. It's time for Fenghua." Luo Enen said.

"It's not over, it's not over yet." Pu Jiaojiao finally came to her senses, but refused to let it go and made another fingerprint.

"I asked you whether you have finished it or not. It is obviously the same set of handprints, but you have done it over and over again." Luo Enen said with disdain.

Even with her eyesight, she could tell that Pu Jiaojiao was hitting her back and forth, but it was actually the same set of handprints.

"I only said that I could use the Eight Wastelands Demon-Suppressing Chart, and I didn't say it was successful even once. Why not try a few more times?" Pu Jiaojiao said forcefully.

"Thanks to your age, you actually..." Luo Enen said sarcastically, with an even more contemptuous expression.

But before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by Gu Fenghua.

Why are you so old? Look at how anxious Aunt Pu is. Aren't you afraid of making others vomit three liters of blood and die on the spot?

Gu Fenghua also wanted to take this opportunity to understand the Xuanwu Dragon Song Jue, but he didn't want her to be pissed off by Luo Enen so early.

Her worry was right. After hearing Luo Enen's words, Pu Jiaojiao was so angry that she almost cursed. She was afraid that her handprint would be confused and she would make mistakes, so she held it in forcefully. She held it in and held it in until her face turned dark. It turned red for a while, then turned red with green inside, and then turned from green to purple again. The internal injuries were all suppressed, and it was only then that he finally calmed down the anger in his heart.

"Bahuang Suppresses Demons, seal it, seal it, seal it for me!" After finally finishing her fingerprints, Pu Jiaojiao shouted again.

But unlike the previous one where she was so powerful and deafening, this time she looked tired, her hands were trembling, and there was a hint of crying in her voice.

Please, please move. Just moving counts. Pu Jiaojiao begged in her heart, almost kneeling down to edit the Bahuang Demon Suppression Map.

If it's just embarrassing, that's it. Anyway, she has more embarrassing things, and she is not afraid of losing it again. But the problem is that this is also related to the bet of 950,000 high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, which is her mother's ancestral treasure. Replaced it.

It's a pity that even if the Bahuang Demon-Suppressing Map is really a magical weapon, it only has some spiritual meaning. How could it be possible to hear her silent pleas, and how could it be possible for her to get what she wished for. The scroll in the tray remained motionless.

Seeing this, everyone looked disappointed. They originally thought that by using Pu Jiaojiao's Xuanwu Dragon Song Jue, they would be able to see the true appearance of the artifact and feel its power. It's useless and makes them excited in vain.

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