My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4708 4708 Only now do I know

I originally thought that Pu Jiaojiao's acting skills were superb enough, but now I know what real acting skills are. Not to mention the guests present, even Chi Yunting, who was well-informed and discerning, was kept in the dark by Gu Fenghua.

Looking at the calm and confident look on Gu Fenghua's face that was in no way commensurate with his age, everyone was ashamed, and at the same time secretly rejoiced: At such a young age, he had such scheming and acting skills. In time, it will be better. Fortunately, he offended her today. Not myself, but Pu Jiaojiao.

Although Pu Jiaojiao was arrogant and arrogant, she was not stupid. Seeing Gu Fenghua quickly making hand seals one after another, she realized that something was wrong, and her dark complexion turned pale.

"Failure, failure, shock this damn girl to death..." Pu Jiaojiao clenched her fists tightly and prayed desperately in her heart.

It's a pity that Bahuang Zhenmotu's spirituality is limited. Even if she roars at the top of her lungs, she can't understand what she is saying, so how can she possibly hear her heart.

Sudden! A ray of light suddenly flashed on the scroll, and runes flashed one after another.

"It worked, she succeeded!" There was a burst of surprise cheers from the crowd.

Originally, they did not take the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppressing Map too seriously. After all, they had a good status and it was not the first time they participated in the Yunhe auction. They had seen many heavenly materials, earthly treasures, artifacts and treasures. Even first-generation weapons The magic weapon refined by Jun Gongye Longzhu himself would not make them feel too rare, but Pu Jiaojiao's successive uses of Xuanwu Dragon Song Technique and Taishang Tianxin Technique ended in failure, and they knew that they had underestimated them. The Demonic Map of Huangzhen also has more expectations for this magical weapon.

"Xuanwu Dragon Song Technique, how can you know the Xuanwu Dragon Song Technique!" Pu Jiaojiao suddenly exclaimed, looking at Gu Fenghua as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Only then did everyone notice that the handprint Gu Fenghua made at this time was completely different from the previous one. It was clearly the Xuanwu Dragon Song Technique that Pu Jiaojiao had just performed.

"Supreme Heaven's Heart Art, you know the Supreme Heaven's Heart Art!" Immediately afterwards, Pu Jiaojiao exclaimed again.

Sure enough, what Gu Fenghua was performing at this time was the Supreme Heart Technique. Although the movement was extremely slow, it was exactly the same as the handprint Pu Jiaojiao had just made before.

It turns out that she also knows these two magic arts. If Pu Jiaojiao made a bet with her, wouldn't he be falling into a trap? Everyone in the hall smiled bitterly and once again felt deep sympathy for Aunt Pu.

"It's so scary. This Gu Fenghua is so scary. He obviously knows the Xuanwu Dragon Song Technique and the Supreme Mind Technique, but he didn't show any clues before. The old woman named Pu is going to be tricked to death by her." Auction In the secret room at the back of the hall, Zhu Tongguang looked through the window and gasped one after another.

Fortunately, when there was a conflict during the day, his uncle showed up in time and did not give Gu Fenghua a chance to take action. Otherwise, if he fell into her hands, he would be played to death by her without even knowing what happened.

"Do you really think she already knows the Black Mist Dragon Song Technique and the Supreme Mind Technique?" Zhu Sifang shook his head, carefully looked at the handprints Gu Fenghua made one after another, and said thoughtfully.

"Isn't it?" Zhu Tongguang asked inexplicably.

"She made the handprints very slowly. She was obviously not familiar enough. She even had to pause for a moment at some key points and think before taking action. If I read it correctly, she should have just learned it not long ago." Zhu Sifang did not answer, but Master Shen said solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Tongguang asked doubtfully.

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