My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4717 4717 He also wants to have a relationship with her

Behind them, several master treasure appraisers wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time: When did they break the seal and unlock the secret of the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map? Zhu Sifang seemed to be praising Gu Fenghua, but in fact he was clearly giving them and the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce a face.

In the past, I knew that the president was a well-rounded man, but I didn't know that he was so shameless.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Zhu Sifang thoughtfully. Judging from Chi Yunting's previous performances, he clearly didn't know the secret of the Eight Wilderness Demon Suppression Map. How could Zhu Sifang say that everything was under his control? As if among them. This old man is so shameless!

"Where's the gift? What exactly is the gift?" Luo Enen asked directly without thinking too much, but also too lazy to listen to Zhu Sifang's nonsense.

"We at the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce are extremely honored to be able to make friends with such a talented person like Miss Gu. I hope you won't find it objectionable if it's just a small gift." Zhu Sifang was already prepared and waved. A guard behind him took out a storage bracelet and said respectfully handed it to Gu Fenghua.

Everyone was curious and gathered their spiritual thoughts to investigate. Zhu Sifang obviously had no intention of hiding it, and did not leave any seal or restriction on the storage bracelet. Everyone's spiritual thoughts easily penetrated into it, and immediately, they all gasped in surprise.

There was a strange light in the storage bracelet, which turned out to be a million high-grade Holy Spirit Stones!

Although they are all wealthy, it is difficult for them to come up with millions of high-grade Holy Spirit Stones at once. Otherwise, when they were bidding for a few magic weapons such as the Yin-Yang Mingsha Mirror, they would not have been red-faced over the hundreds of thousands of high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. .

Surprise, indeed a surprise!

Looking at Gu Fenghua, everyone could not hide their envy. Previously, relying on Aunt Pu's "friendly sponsorship", she won the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map without spending a penny. Now she has obtained a million high-grade Holy Spirit Stones from the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. Others came to the auction with money. Fortunately for her, she came to the auction to make money.

Fortunately, Pu Jiaojiao had already left the auction house early, otherwise she would have been furious when she saw this scene.

"In that case, I would like to thank President Zhu." Gu Fenghua took the storage bracelet generously. The old man didn't have much shame anyway, so she didn't bother to be polite to him.

"Miss Gu is out." Zhu Sifang said with a smile.

Originally, he had planned to spend four million high-grade Holy Spirit Stones to preserve the reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. Now that Gu Fenghua had solved the secret of the Eight Wilderness Demon Map on the spot, he naturally did not need to give her any more hush-hush talks. Even if he gave her one million, He still saved three million, and he was in a very good mood.

"By the way, Miss Gu, it's getting late now. Why don't we go to Duyunfeizhou to spend the night, so as not to have to run around tomorrow morning." Although Zhu Sifang didn't say it, he was still grateful and warm to Gu Fenghua in his heart. said.

After seeing Gu Fenghua's exquisite weapon skills and amazing talent and understanding, he also wanted to make friends with her.

"Okay, then..." Seeing that Zhu Sifang had no ill intentions, he indeed wanted to make friends with him. Besides, he had just received a generous gift of one million from others, and Gu Fenghua didn't want to reject someone thousands of miles away, so he asked for it casually. Agree.

As soon as he said two words, he felt someone behind him shaking his arm vigorously. He turned his head in confusion and saw Luo Enen winking at him with a cold look on his face. Looking along her line of sight, Gu Fenghua Suddenly, it was like falling into an ice cave, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

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