My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4720 4720 They still dare to bully me now

"Dad, look, they still dare to bully me. You, old man, have to make the decision for me." Pu Jiaojiao did not dare to answer Luo Enen's words for fear of being asked by the people next to her, but turned her head away. , with a sad and angry look on his face, he said to the old man behind him who also had a dark complexion but a lean and lean figure.

"How brave you are to bully my Pu family!" Although Pu Jiaojiao did not dare to say more, the little old man still vaguely guessed what was going on. How could he embarrass his daughter in front of his disciples? Duo asked, but shouted angrily at Gu Fenghua and others. Despite his small stature, his voice is quite powerful.

After saying that, the little old man came out of the crowd and strode towards Gu Fenghua and others. From the looks of it, he was obviously ready to teach them a lesson and regain his position for his daughter.

However, after he had only taken two steps, he heard several soft sounds of "choking". Three middle-aged men behind him drew their swords at the same time and got in front of him.

"Master, it's just a few juniors. We don't need your help. Just leave it to us." One of them said.

"Yes, Master, it's just a few young kids who are still young. Wouldn't it be an insult to you to take action personally? Just let the disciples do it for you." Another person followed.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fenghua and others finally understood why Pu Jiaojiao was so unrestrained and arrogant.

Logically speaking, even if the old man wanted to stand up for his daughter, he should first ask about right and wrong, and ask about the other party's origins. He actually didn't ask a word and started to take action when he came up. However, these disciples only wanted to please their master, and they were even more domineering and did not take others into consideration at all.

With the support of such a father and senior brother, it would be strange for Pu Jiaojiao to be able to learn well.

"My little junior sister has a bad body. She is beautiful and delicate, and has a gentle and virtuous temperament. Even we are reluctant to say a harsh word to her. Today she was bullied by several outsiders. If we can't seek justice for her, we will Do you have the dignity to be a senior brother?" Just as Gu Fenghua and others secretly shook their heads, another middle-aged man said emotionally, wiping away tears while blaming himself.

Uh...I thought Aunt Pu was disgusting enough, but I didn't expect there was someone even more disgusting here.

Soft and delicate, gentle and virtuous, is this really Pu Jiaojiao? Even if you want to flatter me, you don't have to do it in such a disgusting way. The night wind blew, and Gu Fenghua and the others shivered involuntarily.

Not to mention them, even his two fellow disciples felt a chill and turned their heads with strange expressions, as if we were not familiar with him.

"It's okay, we're just a few juniors. If I take action, it would be a loss of status, so I'll leave it to you." Among all the people, the little old man was probably the only one who didn't feel disgusted. After all, it was his precious daughter who was being praised. Well, he waved his hand and said with the air of a senior expert.

Indeed, they were just a few juniors. He didn't even bother to look at them. It would indeed be beneath his status to take action in person.

"Yes, Master." With Master's permission, several people strode towards Gu Fenghua and others.

Pu Jiaojiao's guard mentioned the opponent's strength when he came back to bring reinforcements. They didn't dare to be careless. They clenched their swords tightly and concentrated their holy energy to the extreme.

Gu Fenghua, Fatty Bai, and Luo Enen also held the hilts of their swords and secretly circulated the holy energy. Although they have enough confidence in their current strength, from ancient times to the present, there have been many strong and masters who capsized in the gutter and died in the hands of little people. They will never take any enemy lightly. Respecting your opponent is actually respecting yourself and respecting life.

The two sides were at war with each other, and the atmosphere became extremely solemn.

"Stop!" At this moment, Zhu Sifang's stern scolding sounded from the door of the Chamber of Commerce.

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