My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4729 4729 The defeat was too simple

Ke Yuanhua himself obviously did not expect that the palm he exerted all his strength without reservation not only failed to hurt Gu Fenghua at all, but also failed to hinder her in the slightest. Until this moment, he still maintained the posture of extending his palms forward, and even the evil smile on his face never disappeared. However, half of his face swelled up quickly, and the five blood-red fingerprints were even more vivid, making it hard to tell. weird.

"How is it possible? How did she do it? What kind of cultivation level is she?" Ke Yuanhua was completely blinded by Gu Fenghua's slap. His mind was in a blur, and only one voice sounded repeatedly.

"How is this possible? What kind of cultivation level is she?" Zhu Sifang and others were also surprised and confused.

Gu Fenghua took action too quickly, and Ke Yuan was defeated too simply. None of them could see Gu Fenghua's true strength.

Could it be that Ke Yuanhua's palm was just a bluff, it looked scary, but it didn't have much power? Some people even speculated that. However, they soon denied this speculation. Ke Yuanhua's stern murderous intent was unmistakable, and the vast power of that palm shot was also unmistakable. How could it be a bluff?

Although they could not see Gu Fenghua's true strength, one thing they could be sure of was that her strength was definitely far stronger than Ke Yuanhua's, reaching at least the fifth level of Emperor Saint, or even the sixth level of Emperor Saint!

No wonder Gu Fenghua asked Ke Yuanhua to join Pu Duanyang. It wasn't that she was arrogant and reckless, nor was it to humiliate Ke Yuanhua, but that she really had such strength.

At the same time as Ke Yuanhua took action, Wen Yunhou and others also drew their swords and rushed forward. Of course, they had not thought about taking action at that time - Master Master personally took action, and Gu Fenghua would die without resurrecting, so in what turn would they take action? But even if you don't need to take action, you still have to do what you should do, otherwise how can you show your filial piety.

But when they saw this scene, they realized that they were wrong, very wrong.

The master was defeated, so cleanly that he didn't even have the strength to fight back. Gu Fenghua's strength turned out to be so powerful and terrifying!

Several people suddenly stopped and looked at each other holding long swords. They all saw the entanglement in each other's hearts: Should we charge or not?

It would be fine if he didn't rush out just now, but now he has rushed out half way. It doesn't look good to go back. Moreover, the master was injured in Gu Fenghua's hands. As disciples, they should avenge him at this time. Well. But the question is, even the master is so vulnerable to Gu Fenghua. Are they really taking revenge when they rush forward? That's asking for death, isn't it?

If I had known this, they wouldn't have rushed out. Wouldn't it be better to hide behind and watch the fun? The more they thought about it, the more entangled they became. They wished they could cut off their legs on the spot and be done with it.

"Elder Ke..." Pu Duanyang was also shocked. Ke Yuanhua stayed in the Jade Cauldron Sect for many days. They also exchanged ideas and learned more about his strength. He never dreamed that he would be defeated by Gu Fenghua, and that he would be slapped away by others so neatly. . However, as an elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect, he has devoted himself to practicing alchemy and weaponry for many years. His determination is more tenacious than ordinary people. He quickly came to his senses, rushed to Ke Yuanhua, and took out a few healing pills. Give him the Holy Pill.

The holy elixir started to circulate, and Ke Yuanhua also recovered from the shock. He seemed to want to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he spit out several mouthfuls of black blood. Amidst the soft sound of "chichi", countless blood lines spurted out from the meridians all over the body.

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