My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4732 Will 4732 still have the face to meet people in the future?

"Wuse, what are you doing? Are you so fast? Everyone was beaten to the ground by you alone. What are we playing for?" Just when everyone was secretly feeling pity and secretly happy, Luo Enen stomped his feet heavily with a look of dissatisfaction on his face. Said to Ye Wuse.

As a result, black lines stood up on their foreheads at the same time. After all, Wen Yunhou and the others are also strong men in the realm of emperors and saints. If placed in some weaker saint sects, they can stand alone. If placed in a Changshang high-grade sect or a middle-grade sect, it would cost thousands more. How come the beloved son of heaven, whom you met only a few years ago, ended up in your mouth like a toy. Can you at least save some face and dignity for others?

Wen Yunhou and the others were secretly thankful for saving their lives. When they heard these words, they felt as if someone had sprinkled salt on the injured area. In a mixture of shame and anger, they spat out another mouthful of blood mist. .

"I'm sorry. I originally wanted to leave one for you, but I didn't expect them to be so weak. I couldn't even stop them in time." Ye Wuse said apologetically to Luo Enen.

Last time in Yunchuan Sect Luo Enen, I didn't find any opportunity to take action. I finally got a chance and let myself take the lead. Just like a playful child who was robbed of an interesting toy, it is not difficult to imagine how bad Miss Luo felt.

"That's right. These guys are a bit weak and too invulnerable." If the toy was taken away by the white fat man, Luo Enen would definitely not be done with him, but if it were Ye Wuse, Luo Enen would be nice. too much.

Just as Ye Wuse understood her anger at having her toys taken away, she could also understand Ye Wuse's depressed mood today. If she didn't find a chance to vent, she would be worried that Ye Wuse would get sick from holding it in. So you can't blame him for what happened just now. If you really want to blame him, you can only blame Wen Yunhou and others for being too weak and inexperienced.

After hearing Luo Enen's words, Wen Yunhou and others were filled with grief and anger.

Come on, they are also Emperor Saints after all. What does it mean to be too weak and too invincible? It's so disrespectful. In anger, several people simply fell straight to the ground and never got up again. I won't let you beat me. What can you do? Let's see if I can't bear to kill you...

"Hey old man Pu, do you want to fight? If you want to fight, do it quickly. We are in a hurry." Wen Yunhou and others are a bit weaker. Pu Duanyang doesn't seem too weak. Luo Enen quickly changed the target. , said to Pu Duanyang carelessly.

"You little girl who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, how dare you disrespect me!" Pu Duanyang stood up suddenly, pointed at Luo Enen and yelled angrily.

In fact, when he saw Ke Yuanhua was defeated and seriously injured in one move, he was so shocked that he didn't dare to have the slightest contempt for Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others. He was even secretly thinking, otherwise this matter would just be settled today. . After all, his strength is not much stronger than Ke Yuanhua's, and he won't be able to gain any advantage by taking action. He might end up with the same fate as Ke Yuanhua. Take a step back, the sky is brighter.

But after hearing Luo Enen's words and seeing her carefree look that clearly didn't take him seriously, the anger in his chest surged upwards, and he couldn't suppress it no matter how hard he suppressed it.

As the seventh elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect, he was always polite and respectful to anyone who met him. How could he ever be so despised or provoked? Not to mention that he couldn't suppress his anger at all. Even if he could suppress it, he would still have the honor to meet him in the future. Are you human?

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