My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4746 4746 Leave an impression on her

Seeing the unpretentious indignation on Pu Duanyang's face, she knew that she had seen the right person. Although this elder Pu was a bit grumpy and arrogant, he was clear about right and wrong and had feelings and righteousness. He was not the kind of ruthless person. A cool person. But it is precisely because he is too hot-tempered that he may get into trouble or even get killed.

She didn't want to endanger other people's lives because of her good intentions.

"Although Duanyang is a little impatient, he still knows his priorities. Everything should be fine." Liu Sanjue said, but he looked a little worried.

But now that the matter was over, they couldn't drag Pu Duanyang back and persuade him to stop. They could only take it one step at a time.

When the two walked out of the chamber of commerce, Ke Yuanhua and other members of the Zhanxin Sect had already left. Don't worry, Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse didn't kill her just now, and they obviously intended to spare their lives, but God knows if she will change her mind when she comes out, so how can they dare to stay.

Pu Jiaojiao was completely frightened. She originally wanted to leave as soon as possible and hide from Gu Fenghua and others as far away as possible. However, her father accompanied Gu Fenghua into the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. She could not abandon her father and escape alone. She waited until Now, we can finally start to escape.

Pu Duanyang was fine, and gradually calmed down. He walked slowly and unhurriedly, but he did not lose the style of an elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect. However, Pu Jiaojiao was as fast as a bereaved dog, dragging the lost Dongmen Xu forward quickly, while Still looking back in fear.

"By the way, although the Liuwei Emperor Pill is not a real palace secret recipe, it can strengthen the essence and nourish the kidneys and qi, which is indeed very good for your problems. Otherwise, you would still..." Gu Fenghua had a good impression of Pu Duanyang, and I no longer held any grudge against Pu Jiaojiao. I felt pitiful when I saw her two dark circles under her eyes, which were as dark as those of little bears. I took out a few bottles of holy elixirs and shouted kindly.

Pu Jiaojiao stumbled, almost falling to the ground, her face flushed, but she ran faster.

"Oh, I'm doing this for her own good, why doesn't she appreciate it?" Gu Fenghua could only take back the holy elixir helplessly and said regretfully.

Zhu Sifang and others are all black-minded. In front of so many people, who would have the nerve to accept your Liuwei Emperor Pill? Wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

"I didn't expect Miss Gu to have such cultivation at such a young age! I, Yan Dongling, have met Miss Gu. If I was rude before, I hope Miss Gu will forgive me." An old man came forward and said to her with admiration. Gu Fenghua said.

Previously, Pu Duanyang was focused on protecting his shortcomings, and was arrogant and arrogant regardless of right and wrong. Even he couldn't stand it anymore. I thought that Gu Fenghua was young and energetic and would teach him a lesson, but who knew that she not only let Pu Duanyang go, but also spared Pu Duanyang mercilessly, much to his surprise.

At such a young age, with such cultivation and such a big heart, how could he dare to treat Gu Fenghua as a junior?

"I have met Miss Gu when I was in Nanfeng. I hope you can forgive me for being rude."

"I'm Zheng Mingli, I'm Yu Zijian..." Other old men stepped forward one after another and got close to Gu Fenghua.

In the Wuji Holy Heaven, although the powerful seventh-grade Emperor Saints are not the top, they are rare, not to mention such young seventh-grade Emperor Saints. Of course, they missed the opportunity to make friends. Even if we don't meet each other again after today, we still have a chance encounter and left an impression on her, which might come in handy at some point. Even if it doesn't serve any purpose, when Gu Fenghua becomes famous all over the world, it's still good to use it to brag to future generations.

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