My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4748 4748 has been cheating and cheating all these years

"Yes, if he dares to come and disgust us again, break his dog legs, all two, no, all three." Luo Enen also waved his fist and roared with a fierce look.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Gu Fenghua and others' mouths twitched fiercely at the same time: Ye Wuse just wanted Zhu Tongguang to die. It's better for you to want others to live worse than death. Cruel, so cruel!

Previously, because of Zhu Sifang's courtesy, several people could tolerate Zhu Tongguang again and again. Now that they have made up their mind not to tolerate it anymore, they feel relaxed all of a sudden.

"Let's go, find a place to stay first." Gu Fenghua said.

"There is a Xinglong Inn in front of me. I stayed there for a while. It was quite quiet." Liu Sanjue said.

He has been cheating and cheating everywhere in the past few years. He has traveled almost all over the Lingji Territory and is quite familiar with Guzhou City.

It was already dark, but the streets near the center of the city were still brightly lit, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians on the road. The vendors setting up stalls on the roadside were still shouting enthusiastically to sell their goods. Except that their voices were lower, they were no different from the daytime.

Gu Fenghua and others followed Liu Sanjue forward while taking a look at the stalls on the roadside. Although the spiritual energy of the Lingji Realm is insufficient and the land is barren, there are also natural and earthly treasures produced, and even some exotic flowers and plants that have extremely demanding environmental requirements can only be found in the Lingji Realm. Gu Fenghua was lucky enough to buy several plants of Pure Land of Spiritual Heart without exotic flowers and herbs. Of course, the price was much higher than the same-grade medicinal materials in the other two extreme regions.

However, Gu Fenghua not only picked up a Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map for nothing today, but also unexpectedly received a million high-grade Holy Spirit Stone from the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce. Of course, he would not take this small amount of money to heart.

Putting away the herb she had just bought, Gu Fenghua continued to walk forward. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at several figures in the distance with confusion.

"What's wrong with Fenghua?" Luo Enen stopped and asked strangely.

"Huh?" Almost at the same time, Ye Wuse looked forward and let out a light sigh.

As a result, Luo Enen was even more confused, and Fatty Bai and Liu Sanjue were also confused.

Gu Fenghua had no time to explain and quickly chased forward. But when they squeezed through the bustling crowd and reached the intersection ahead, those figures had disappeared.

"What's going on?" Luo Enen looked around and found nothing strange, so he couldn't help but ask again.

"It seems to be the eldest grandson Luocang." Ye Wuse said in a deep voice.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai didn't notice those figures, but he could see them clearly. Although it was just a back view, one of them was very similar to Changsun Luocang.

"Then the old man also came to the Spirit Realm?" Luo Enen said in surprise.

The eldest grandson, Luocang, was severely injured by Gu Fenghua in Chengyun Valley. In order to escape, he would even destroy his own divine weapon. He thought that without decades or hundreds of years of cultivation, he would never dare to leave Luocang Peak, let alone return. Looking for bad luck on their part, I didn’t expect him to dare to come to the Spiritual Realm.

"Maybe I saw it wrong." Ye Wuse said.

Although the back image was very striking to Changsun Luocang, he couldn't be sure from just a quick glance. And he also thought the same thing as Luo Enen. The old man was so seriously injured, how could he appear in the spiritual realm? Is he really impatient? You know, the envoys in the Lingji Realm are all notoriously cruel, but they are not as good-tempered as the Xuan envoys.

Well, those few were actually not very good-tempered. It was just Changsun Luocang who ran too fast and escaped from their hands. However, at that time, his divine weapon was still there, and he still had a chance to escape. Now, if he comes to the Spirit Realm and provokes other envoys, it will not be so easy to escape.

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