My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4752 4752 is really not simple.

However, the ice and fire silkworms are too rare, and they spin very little silk in their lives. I am afraid that even the filaments spun out by tens of thousands of ice and fire silkworms cannot weave such a quilt, so even the envoys just add it to the holy robes. A small amount of ice and fire spirit silk cannot be luxurious enough to be used to make holy robes.

Under the quilt, a faint blue jade was faintly revealed. It was the finest blue jade for purifying the soul. Meditation and tranquility were of great benefit to cultivation. At last night's Yunhe auction, a blue crystal soul-purifying jade appeared, and was finally sold for 50,000 high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. It doesn't sound too expensive, but the blue jade pure soul jade is only half a foot long and three inches wide, and it fetched such a high price. How about this jade bed carved from blue jade pure soul jade? How much is it worth?

There is a low table in the middle of the guest room, with an ancient and natural shape. It also exudes a refreshing medicinal fragrance. Just a few sniffs will make your mind clear and your body full of lightness and holy energy. The running speed is much faster. If you look closely, you will see that this dwarf machine is actually made from the entire root of the Blue Cloud Sky Fire Tree. There is only one word difference between Cangyun Tianhuomu and Cangyun Emperorhuomu, an imperial medicinal material. The potency of the medicine is also quite different. It is just a heavenly medicinal material. However, even Gu Fenghua had never heard that the Cangyun Tianhuo tree could grow so huge. In real comparison, the value of this short tree is really not comparable to that of ordinary Cangyun Emperor Fire Trees.

In addition, the few pots of flowers and plants placed randomly on the low table, under the window sill, and in the corner of the room are also extraordinary. They are all rare imperial medicinal materials. Even if they are not used for alchemy, they are useful for ordinary people. Cultivation is also very beneficial.

Coupled with the specially arranged spirit gathering formation at the feet, this small room is probably far more powerful than the training ground of all the envoys.

It is indeed a room specially prepared for your envoys. It is indeed not simple. Gu Fenghua and others are not people who have seen the world. When they were in Xinghua Capital, they had been to the imperial palace many times, but they couldn't help but secretly sigh when they saw this low-key luxury.

"You all have a good rest, I won't disturb you." The maid who led the way handed the jade tokens for entering and exiting the room to several people, and stepped back respectfully, with a clear look of curiosity in her eyes.

You must know that these rooms used to be prepared for the Lord Envoy. Even the sect leaders and elders of the major holy sects would not occupy them unless they had no other choice. Of course, in addition to respect for the envoy, the high room rate is also a reason.

These people are so young that they can actually live in these rooms, and apart from some initial surprises, they don't feel any uneasiness or embarrassment at all. I don't know what the reason is?

"If you can't handle such a small thing, what's the use of you? Even if I raise a dog that knows how to wag its tail, what's the use of raising you, huh?" Just when she was secretly curious, there was a burst of vitriol behind her. The sound of yelling and cursing.

Turning his head, he saw a young man pointing at a middle-aged man and yelling curses.

The young man was young, at most sixteen or seventeen years old. His clothes were extremely gorgeous, but his appearance was extremely ordinary, and his figure was as thin as a chicken. The gorgeous holy robe was flowing around his body, as if he had just left. Just like jumping off the stage.

"Sir, it's not that I'm not trying my best, but I really can't help it. We came too late, and all the A-sized guest rooms have been booked. As for the T-sized guest rooms, I had to persuade others to get them." Then. A middle-aged man was old enough to be his father, but he couldn't hold his head up after being scolded by him, so he explained timidly.

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