My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4776 There are no 4776 doors!

"Yes, the other party is actually showing mercy. Otherwise, let's just forget it." Others in the room also advised.

They didn't know who was behind the attack, but just by looking at the reaction of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, they could guess that the other party had a lot of background. And judging from Zhong Lingjun's injuries, it would be easy for the other party to kill him. Just letting him suffer some physical pain is already being merciful, so why bother asking for more trouble.

Of course, they could also see that this Zhong Lingjun was luxuriously dressed and arrogant, and he must have some background, but if he really offended someone he shouldn't have offended, no matter how big his background was, he would still die without a burial place. Their persuasion was also for Zhong Lingjun's sake.

"Forget it? You dare to attack me, Zhong Lingjun, and just forget it? There is no way!" Zhong Lingjun snorted heavily and said with a look of resentment.

"But it's not like you don't know the temper of the master of the family. If things get too big by then, we won't be able to bear the consequences." Fu Qingjiang said worriedly.

He understood Zhong Lingjun's bad temper better than the master's temper. He knew that it was the first time in his life that he had suffered like this and he would never give up easily. He could only use the master to suppress him.

"Then don't let him know, that's fine." Zhong Lingjun said uneasily.

"Don't let him know?" Fu Qingjiang was startled. If he didn't let the head of the family know, who would he turn to for help? Without the permission of the head of the family, no one in the Zhong family would dare to take action. Even if there is a child of the Zhong family who is not very bright and wants to flatter him, he does not have the strength.

Suddenly, Fu Qingjiang thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Young Master, think twice, think twice." Fu Qingjiang quickly advised.

However, just as he was speaking, Zhong Lingjun had already crushed the jade talisman, his eyes lit up, and a strange light flew out of the Yundu Feizhou and disappeared into the sky.

"Don't think that that damn girl has some strength. There's nothing I can do against her. There are many people stronger than her in this world. I'll show you how they died in a few days!" Zhong Lingjun said proudly. . After crushing the jade talisman to send the message, he was in a good mood and his energy improved a lot. He actually regained a bit of his previous complacency and brazenness.

"Alas." Fu Qingjiang sighed, frowning and quietly looking outside, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Seeing the completely different expressions of the master and servant, everyone else in the room was even more curious.

Zhong Lingjun didn't have much eyesight and was so arrogant that he didn't notice the anxious look in Fu Qingjiang's eyes, but they could see it clearly.

I remember that before Zhong Lingjun asked the family for help, Fu Qingjiang was not worried about him. From what he said, he was more worried about Zhong Lingjun and himself. But at this time, he was obviously worried about him. What was going on? ? Could it be that the person Zhong Lingjun found for help this time was more powerful and more terrifying than the family behind him?

Just looking at Zhong Lingjun's arrogant and arrogant playfulness, he also guessed that what happened today was probably his fault, and the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce ignored the other party beating him up like this. Obviously, Fu Qingjiang had a lot of background. For the sake of the family, it is reasonable to not want to be enemies with the overall situation, but it does not make them feel that they are cheating. They were just curious, who would Zhong Lingjun invite this time?

Gu Fenghua didn't know that the Zhan Xin Sect had already traced him, and he didn't know that Zhong Lingjun refused to stop after suffering so much and actually dared to find someone to help him take revenge.

Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart. All her mind and heart have been condensed into the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map.

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