My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4778 4778 It has no choice at all

Making a hand seal with his left hand, Gu Fenghua slapped another palm with his right hand.

With a muffled sound, the ghost dragon flew out without any suspense. Its strength is indeed comparable to that of the Third Grade Emperor Saint, but compared with the Seventh Grade Emperor Saint, it is still far behind.

However, the dragon bloodline is not just talk. Even if the strength is far inferior to Gu Fenghua, the innate magical power from the dragon bloodline cannot be underestimated.

Just as Gu Fenghua slapped the ghost dragon with his palm, a mighty force surged out from the shadow of the beast soul. In this force, she actually felt a trace of aura similar to Ye Yun's aura. machine. Although this power could not hurt her, it still shocked her and made her take a few steps back again. And the ethereal flame formed by the fusion of elixir fire and weapon fire exploded like fireworks in a festival celebration and quickly dissipated.

It seems that it is not that easy to refine the soul of this ghost dragon beast. Gu Fenghua moved his mind and put all the furnishings in the room into the space bracelet. Before the ghost dragon could stabilize his body, he attacked again.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The solid palm shadow blasted out again and again, accompanied by the mysterious and fluttering flames, and the air waves in the room were churning and muffled.

The dragon-like figure of the ghost dragon beast soul was like a withered leaf, tumbling endlessly in the waves, completely unable to fight back.

However, Gu Fenghua's expression did not relax at all, but became more solemn.

The gap in strength is there, let alone just a beast soul, even a living ferocious beast would have been shattered to pieces under her stormy attack, but this ghost dragon The beast soul seemed to be in a sorry state, but it was not fundamentally harmed by her, and even the beast's shadow did not appear to be half illusory.

And the force that came back from the shock was still so overbearing, knocking her back a few steps from time to time. As for the elixir fire she had specially condensed, it was even more difficult to damage it at all, and it was already dispersed before it even landed on it.

Although he had long thought that refining the ghost dragon beast soul would not be easy, Gu Fenghua did not expect that it would be so difficult.

If this continues, let alone refining the ghost dragon beast soul, he might be dragged down by it. Gu Feng subconsciously held the long sword, but quickly released his fingers.

With the help of the Eight Swords of Guiyuan, she was confident that she could cut through the ghost dragon beast's soul and make it completely disintegrate. But what she wanted was to refine the power of the Phoenix, and she didn't really want to take its life, so it was pointless. In order not to hurt the ghost dragon's life, she couldn't even use the Cangchen holy pattern.

In desperation, Gu Fenghua could only circulate the holy energy desperately and continue to shoot one palm after another.

Although she already had four innate Holy Spirit roots and the recovery speed of the Holy Spirit was much faster than that of ordinary people, she still gradually felt weak and a layer of sweat appeared on her face as she kept exerting all her strength.

Gu Fenghua was not relaxed, and neither was Gui Jiao. Although it looked unscathed on the surface, under the suppression of Ye Yunji's holy dragon blood, its soul was already shaking, and it was struggling just to survive. Moreover, the power derived from the dragon bloodline is not infinite. If it continues like this, there will always be a moment when it is exhausted. Once the dragon bloodline is exhausted, without Gu Fenghua taking action at all, its soul will be shattered under the suppression of the holy dragon's blood and completely disappear.

The ghost dragon wants to escape, but the cloud-crossing flying boat is speeding. In order to avoid accidents, all the barrier formations have been opened. Moreover, Gu Fenghua has been prepared and has placed a prohibitive barrier in the room. How can it escape? Need to go out?

It has no choice but to hold on to the end.

One was determined to refine the beast soul, and the other was fighting desperately to survive. The battle in the room became increasingly fierce.

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