"Oh, you know I want to refine the power of the Phoenix!" Unexpectedly, this guy actually saw his true purpose, and Gu Fenghua was a little surprised.

"The Phoenix and our Dragon Clan are both called the two supreme beasts. Who wouldn't want to refine the power of the ancient Phoenix if we find it? However, the power of the Phoenix is ​​torn into pieces, and Wuji Holy Sky lacks spiritual energy, so we can only use the power of demon spirits to refine it. Its refining. As long as you let me survive, I will definitely help you with all my strength." Gui Jiao explained.

Dragon clan? Other dragons don't recognize you at all, okay? You have the nerve to put gold on your face! Gu Fenghua glanced at it angrily.

She had already guessed what Guijiao said, but she had never been able to confirm it, and now it was finally confirmed.

It just needs to borrow the power of the ghost dragon's demon spirit. It seems that there is really no need to destroy its soul. But in that case, most of its spiritual power would be greatly damaged. With the ghost dragon's ferocious and violent nature, is it really so easy to succumb and willingly sacrifice the power of the demon spirit?

Generally speaking, ferocious beasts with a ferocious appearance are usually not too smart, but this ghost dragon in front of him is different. As soon as he saw the Phoenix Force, he could guess his true purpose. This guy's intelligence was not low. Who knew if it would just pretend to surrender and then take advantage of his carelessness to strike a fatal blow.

Gu Fenghua fought hard to subdue it with the power of the Burning Holy Source. How could he dare to risk it easily?

"Thank you for your kindness. I think I'd better do it myself without bothering you." After thinking for a moment, Gu Fenghua continued to make fingerprints.

Regardless of whether the dragon clan recognizes the ghost dragon clan or not, it is not false to continue the dragon clan's bloodline from generation to generation. Gu Fenghua personally felt the tyranny of the dragon clan's power, and he maintained the necessary respect for the ghost dragon's remnant soul in front of him, and he spoke extremely politely.

However, after hearing her words, Gui Jiao was so angry that he wanted to jump (if he could still jump): I don't want to bother, but if I don't bother, I will lose my life. Let you choose, which one will you choose?

"Sir, spare my life. I am willing to serve you as your master, sacrifice my soul, and establish a soul sacrifice contract with you." The more polite Gu Fenghua said, the more Gui Jiao felt that death was approaching. Not only did he choose to surrender, but he also surrendered completely.

Soul Sacrifice and Spiritual Contract! Gu Fenghua's heart moved slightly. I remember Ye Yunji told her that when he subdued the Jiuyou Demon Mirage, it was actually it that took the initiative to sacrifice its soul and established a soul sacrifice contract with him.

However, not all monsters are qualified to make such a contract. Only ancient monsters or ancient alien species with extraordinary blood and extremely powerful strength are qualified.

The ghost dragon is quite powerful and is hiding in the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map. If he really makes a soul sacrifice contract, he might be able to put it to use at some point.

However, this guy has never taken the initiative to provoke me, but he has caused such an unreasonable disaster for no reason. Is he really willing to sacrifice his soul and leave life and death completely in his hands? Gu Fenghua was still a little skeptical.

The ancient ferocious beasts also had the dignity and arrogance of the ancient ferocious beasts. No matter what, the ghost dragon was considered to be the queen of the dragon clan, so she still couldn't believe its words.

Although Gui Jiao's strength is indeed good, and it can indeed come in handy if used well, it is not indispensable. After much deliberation, it would be safer to refine this guy directly. Gu Fenghua just hesitated for a moment and continued to make fingerprints.

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