My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4797 4797 is unlucky enough to begin with

"Shameless!" Even the ghost dragon who was about to fall asleep in the Eight Wilderness Demonic Map muttered disdainfully, secretly sighing in his heart: Sure enough, things of the same kind gather people to live in groups. What kind of virtue does Gu Fenghua have? The same goes for the people around him. What virtue. This old man is actually even more shameless than Gu Fenghua.

Alas, being imprisoned for ten thousand years by the Bahuang Demon Suppressing Map is already unlucky enough, but why do we meet this group of people again? The Dragon Clan is unlucky, the Dragon Clan is unlucky!

It has never thought that other dragon clans do not regard their Guijiao clan as the same clan. That is to say, it is shameless and thinks of itself as a dragon clan. When it comes to shamelessness, it is actually no better than Gu Fenghua. This actually proves its own sentiment: Birds of a feather flock together, and people live in groups!

"By the way Fenghua, have you refined the power of the Phoenix?" Luo Enen ignored Liu Sanjue and asked Fenghua expectantly.

"Yes." Gu Fenghua nodded and said, "Not only did I refine the last phoenix power, but I also condensed all the phoenix powers into one. As for the benefits, you all saw it just now."

As she spoke, she condensed the small flame on her fingertips again.

"What kind of fire is this? Dan fire, weapon fire?" Lorne asked in surprise.

Just now, Gu Fenghua pointed at Liu Sanjue's eyebrows, and the phoenix fire just flashed past. Not to mention Luo Enen, even the fat white man Ye Wuse couldn't see it clearly. It wasn't until this moment that he realized that It's a small flame.

Of course, she was no stranger to Gu Fenghua's alchemy weapon skills. She had also seen more than once the alchemy weapon fire that was condensed by using her own holy energy to activate the aura of heaven and earth. However, this small flame in front of her was different from the previous alchemy weapon. Fire seems different, more aura, giving people a mysterious and ethereal feeling.

"This is the Phoenix Divine Fire formed by condensing the spiritual power of the Phoenix!" Gu Fenghua certainly would not hide anything from them and answered simply and clearly.

"Phoenix Divine Fire!" Luo Enen and others' eyes widened at the same time, and even Liu Sanjue almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Although the legend of the power of ancient mythical beasts has been circulating since ancient times, and countless facts have proven that it is not just a legend, no one had ever conquered and refined the power of ancient mythical beasts before Gu Fenghua. Gu Fenghua's ability to refine the power of the Phoenix was already a miracle. Unexpectedly, she actually used the spiritual power of the Phoenix to condense the Phoenix Divine Fire!

"Then what is the use of this Phoenix Divine Fire?" Luo Enen broke the casserole and asked the question, and asked excitedly.

"Didn't you see it just now? If it hadn't been for its help, how could I have helped Master Liu regain his consciousness so quickly and help him avert danger?" Gu Fenghua said.

Although the old man had gone too far in expressing his loyalty just now and was a bit unscrupulous in his words, the gratitude in his eyes and the tears and runny nose on his face were definitely not fake, so Gu Fenghua still maintained the necessary respect for him.

"Oh, that's it. By the way, I seem to have some impression. It seems that you used this Phoenix Divine Fire when you saved Liu Shengu just now." Luo Enen patted his forehead and finally remembered that Gu Fenghua saved Liu Shen just now. The fire that flickered and disappeared between his fingers came from the Phoenix Divine Fire.

Out of contempt for Liu Sanjing, she was not so polite to him and directly called him an old magic stick.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded affirmatively.

"It doesn't seem to be of much use." Luo Enen curled his lips and said.

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