My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4825 Where does he put his face?

No one noticed that a woman with a pretty face at the end frowned slightly, and there was a trace of deep worry in her eyes.

Just when Changsun Luocang and others were rapidly running their skills to gather holy energy, preparing to seize the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Gu Fenghua, on the other side of the city, there were several people hiding in the crowd, staring at Gu Fenghua. et al.

"It seems that Elder Ke's guess is correct. Elder Teng was most likely killed at the hands of Gu Fenghua!" The middle-aged man in charge said with a gloomy face, it was Wen Longyuan, the leader of the Zhanxin Sect.

"Yes, Luo Enen and Ye Wuse are obviously under the leadership of Gu Fenghua. They all have such strength. Not to mention Gu Fenghua, Elder Teng should have died in her hands." The second elder beside him also nodded. Head, Gathering Qi Sound Transmission said.

Originally, they thought that Teng Hongtu's death was only related to Gu Fenghua. They couldn't believe the news they received from Ke Yuanhua - there was no way, Gu Fenghua was too young. Who could believe that Teng, a seventh-grade Emperor Saint? The Great Elder would die at the hands of such a young girl.

But when they saw what happened below the city, they couldn't help but not believe it. The strong men of the fifth and sixth grades of the Emperor Saint were tortured to death by Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and others, and Gu Fenghua's strength was probably only slightly stronger than them. If it was not easy, plus With a little conspiracy and calculation, it is not surprising at all to kill Elder Teng.

"Lord Sect Master, their strength far exceeds our expectations. We must not take revenge hastily. Otherwise, we should return to the Zhan Xin Sect first and think about it in the long term." Fourth Elder Wen Longan said. He originally had a grudge against Teng Hongtu, but after seeing the strength of Luo Enen and others, he felt that he lacked confidence. How could he be willing to risk his life in order to avenge him?

The second elder and the third elder did not speak, but they looked hesitant, obviously having the same idea in mind. They had no resentment towards Teng Hongtu and sincerely wanted to avenge him, but the strength of Luo Enen and Ye Wuse really shocked them too much. Even against these people, they don't have much confidence, let alone against Gu Fenghua, who is probably stronger?

"Don't worry, let's take a look and then talk." Wen Longyuan shook his head and said.

"Sir, Master, this matter is related to the life and death of our Zhanxin Sect. We must not act arbitrarily." The fourth elder said anxiously.

"The four major disciples of Sima Batian have suffered such a big loss. Do you think he will just let it go?" Wen Longyuan snorted coldly and said.

"That's true." The second elder and the third elder were all refreshed upon hearing this.

The Zhanxin Sect is based in the Spirit Realm. As elders of the Zhanxin Sect, they can be said to have grown up hearing Sima Batian's name. They also know Sima Batian better than Changsun Luocang. They know that this old man is not only famous, but also has a very bad temper. Seeing his disciple being bullied like this, there is no way he can just let it go? If he really wanted to let it go, where would he lose his face?

Next, there will be a life-and-death battle. Even if Gu Fenghua and others are lucky enough to save their lives, they will not escape the fate of both sides. At that time, it will be their God-given opportunity to avenge the great elder Teng Hongtu! And not only can he avenge the great elder, but he can also take the opportunity to show his favor to Sima Batian, and maybe draw a strong backup for the Zhanxin Sect, which is the best of both worlds.

"Everyone is ready. If there is an opportunity, we will attack with all our strength. At any cost, we will put Gu Fenghua to death and avenge the great elder!" Wen Longyuan said murderously.

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