My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4828 4828 That is the real shame!

Everyone thought that the battle between Sima Batian and Gu Fenghua would be a shocking and unstoppable battle. They were both looking forward to it and nervous. Many of them even had sweat on their hands. Who knew that the old man would turn around? , actually ran away like this.

Please, you are a strong man who has been famous for thousands of years. How can you run away? If you want to run away, you should have a fight first to show everyone how powerful you are. Wait until you really can't fight before running away. Moreover, he still ran so neatly and swiftly, no one would have dared to believe that an old man who was ten thousand years old could run with such speed unless he saw it with his own eyes.

I saw the little old man stepping forward with his legs crossed, swishing like stepping on hot wheels, and ran dozens of feet away in the blink of an eye. As if he thought the crutches were too strenuous and the speed was not fast enough, he simply put the crutches on his shoulders, his big sleeves fluttered, and he ran faster.

Is this the same old man who could be knocked down by a gust of wind when he walked so hobblingly? Gu Fenghua asked himself, even if he ran for his life, it would be nothing more than this.

Gu Fenghua's long sword raised high was frozen in the air, and his expression was as blank as ever.

Sima Jingnan was dumbfounded and his expression was at a loss.

Everyone in the city had bewildered faces. Even Sima Batian's young uncle and his four direct disciples had bewildered faces, and they were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths for a long time.

Among the crowd, the two gangs of Changsun Luocang and Wen Longyuan, who were already prepared and waiting to attack Gu Fenghua with all their strength as soon as they got the chance, were at a loss.

"I didn't expect that Sima Qian... Qian... would be such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!" Sima Batian's figure disappeared far away. Finally, someone gradually came back to his senses and said in disbelief. I wanted to say something about senior, but thinking of Sima Batian's actions just now, I couldn't say the word "senior".

"Do you think he is an imposter?" someone speculated.

He really couldn't believe that the strong man of the generation that he had heard about since he was a child had just run away before he even took action. How embarrassing. Thinking of the awe on the faces of the elders of the sect when Sima Batian was mentioned, even he felt ashamed for Sima Batian.

"Impostor? It's hard to say for the other two realms. In the Spirit Realm, who dares to impersonate his name? Even if he is magnanimous and doesn't care about it, I'm afraid the envoys won't give up, right?" Such a guess is the only way to guess. As soon as it was spoken, it was immediately rejected.

"Yeah, if you're talking about being an imposter, how brave and impatient do you have to be to do such a stupid thing?"

"Besides, is it so easy to pretend to be someone else? You should find some disciples of the fifth and sixth levels of the Emperor Saint to come out and show them to everyone." Others also followed suit.

"City Lord Sima is not blind. If others can't recognize his uncle, why can't he himself?" The person who said this said even more disapprovingly.

The man before was suddenly speechless. Yes, if this old man is an imposter, then the real Sima Batian is indeed the powerful man of the generation who has been famous for thousands of years and even all the kings and envoys are trying to please him. If he dares to pretend to be his name and come out to deceive, then what a shame. You see, you are seeking death. Moreover, Sima Jingnan, the lord of Yunjin City, is Sima Batian's great-nephew. He is not blind, so how could he not even recognize his great-uncle.

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