My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4832 4832 He looks so tall and rough

Wen Longan didn't say anything more, and together with other Zhanxin Sect strong men, he quickly followed up, with no trace of worry in his eyes.

No matter Changsun Luocang's masters and disciples, or Zhan Xin Sect and his entourage, none of them were interested in what was going to happen next. Although the young man with a rough face was of high seniority, and even Sima Batian would call him his uncle, he was too young and how strong could he be? If Sima Batian had not supported him, how could he be? Dare to bring bad luck on Gu Fenghua?

Now that even Sima Batian is scared and runs away, what kind of waves can he make? If you are smarter and follow Sima Batian's lead and leave as soon as possible, you can still save some face. If you insist on holding on to the end, you will probably lose all your dignity.

Obviously they are not the only ones who think so. On the city wall, the people who were watching the excitement also left one after another, while people below the city walked into the city in small groups. Although until now, no one knows the origin of Sima Batian's apprenticeship, and naturally they don't know the origin of that young man, but the seniority is there, and they don't want to embarrass him too much.

As a young man, the best thing is face. In front of so many people, it is difficult for him to wipe his face and bow his head. He is too embarrassed to just leave like this, and even more embarrassed to run away like Sima Batian. . Now that they're gone, he can probably feel more at ease.

"Gu Fenghua, do you really think Sima Batian left you to me just to talk about it?" At this moment, the young man's low and slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"What?" After hearing his words, everyone who was about to leave stopped at the same time and looked at him in surprise.

Everyone could see that Gu Fenghua no longer wanted to embarrass him, and even turned around and left after saying those words. This had already given him enough face, but he himself became unyielding. Could he really Don't you think Sima Batian and others have been embarrassed enough?

Gu Fenghua turned around and looked at him with a somewhat surprised expression.

No matter who it is, as long as they are not stupid enough, they should know what to do to save the last bit of face at this time, but he just refuses to give up. Judging from his appearance, although he is a bit rough, he doesn't seem to be that stupid. Could it be that I have underestimated him?

Her guess was quickly verified.

"Draw your sword! Don't think that the strong men in the world are as greedy for life and afraid of death as Sima Batian. Today I will let you know what it means to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world!" The young man slowly pulled out the ancient sword. A real long sword.

"Buzz..." The dragon roared, and the sword light was shocking.

"The seventh-grade Emperor Saint, he is the seventh-grade Emperor Saint!" There was a chorus of exclamations from all around.

Golden lights appeared between his eyebrows, and finally, what appeared in everyone's eyes were seven golden holy beads!

No one expected that this young man's cultivation would reach the seventh level of Emperor Saint. Even Gu Fenghua was surprised.

Although she is also a seventh-grade Emperor Saint, don't forget that she has been practicing the mysterious skills brought by her brothers from the sky since she was a child. She also possesses the power of the Phoenix, as well as the Jade Liquid Stone and Xianluo. With the help of these great extraterrestrial treasures, such as the grass and the sacred fire of the sky, I have developed this kind of cultivation.

Although the young man opposite him has a rugged appearance, if he looks closely, he should be about the same age as himself, not much older. Logically speaking, he cannot have such an opportunity, but his cultivation has reached the level of Emperor Saint. Seventh grade, how did he do it?

"I forgot to tell you, my name is Zhong Lingxiu, the 371st generation descendant of the Zhong family in Yunzhong Mountain." Feeling the shock in everyone's eyes, the young man said proudly.

Zhong Lingxiu? Gu Fenghua looked at him carefully and came to the conclusion again: the feng shui of the Lingji Realm was really bad, and the names given to him were all seriously inaccurate.

Pu Jiaojiao is like this, Zhong Lingjun is like this, and the Zhong Lingxiu in front of him is like this - with his big and thick appearance, how can there be any sense of elegance in him?

"The Zhong family, it turns out he is a member of the Zhong family in Yunzhong Mountain!" Someone in the crowd said in sudden realization.

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